Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 3rd Sem (2nd Year) 8073E Mathematics Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. lIl-Semester (CBCS) Examination, November! December 2019
ematics (Real Analysis)
Subject : Math 036
Time ' 3 Hours Paper .- Ill ( ) Max. Marks: 80 ,
? ? PART?A(5x4=20Mafks) , . 1, _._
(Short Answer Type) _ 1 300! \g" H .?
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 6 ? wt!?
'3 Find gi?snmhere s" = n3 +1 -n.
2, Ptg?e'?that every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence. ?
ence {an} where ?FsmF?EJ
3, Pindthe set of subsequential limits, of the sequ
4 Test the convergence of the series 2 ?1'; 3 .
' t
5- Find the interval of convergence of the series 2%. ?
6? De?ne the uniform convergence of-a sequence of fugctionst
' 7 ?t is a bounded function on [a, b], prove that L gum under usual notations
} ,8 Prove that every continuous function f on [gab] i '?h?t?grable.
' PART - B (45353??? ,.__r-?3rks)
(Essay WM" Type)
Note: Answer ALL the following queg?ons.
9 ,ra)P1:ove that:
(i) 1min") = (ii) lim{ *jr??Tfor a > 0'.
H 5330: +1? 3
(b) Let (3") be a seq??hge in R. If lim sn is de?ned (as a real number or + van or wan),
then prove that Iim sup 5n = lim 5n = lim inf s... ?
10 (a) If (Sn). cdagerges to a positive rea! number s and (tn) is any sequeneemen
9 that imp sweat.1 = 5. lim sup tn. " ? ? ' H ? ?
(b) ?State1?nd prove the comparison test.
11 (a) gnaw that if the sen?es 29., conve?ges uniformly mamsm
ygsupu am I: xe S} = e. ' " '
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mums uni?eimly oni?, 13;, ? ? ? 7'
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