Download OU B.Sc 2019 Dec 3rd Sem (2nd Year) 8078 Computer Science (Data Structures) Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2019 Dec 3rd Sem (2nd Year) 8078 Computer Science (Data Structures) Previous Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Part " A (5?2435120?Marks) "
(Short Answer rype) - 1!.
., Note: Answer any FIVE 6mm following questiou
?4? Define data StLUCture and describe the types of data structure;
2. What is stack? List out applications of stack. \/
3. Why linked list is called dynamic data structure? What are the ad ?17.:
linked list over arrays?
4. Describe execution of recursive calls with?ample. \/
5. What are the binary tree applications? \. ,1
6. De?ne graph and explain graph representation. N
7. Write a program for sequential search. J
8. What is heap? Explain heap construction process?
Part ? B (4x15 = Marie).
(Essay Ans er a) V
Note: Answer ALL ' 9 questions.
9. a I What is an array and explainits- dva , _ _ _ H ?. ~
( ) 8) Explain memory representationaangzaddress calculationof 1?D and CH3. 4" ,
OR , ?
(b) Write a program to impiem?nf?e stack abstract data type usmgza?QWQY: 4
K ?L-q; _ h, .
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. i What :5 recursmn and write an example for recurSlOn , ,. ; .
10 (a) Ei?) What is queue? And gxplain about curcular queue and doubla:end9d $1313.?? A
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(b) Write a program to create a double linked list Insert, delete and seaml'gft' M 1:71
element opergtlons. .. .
11.(a) 0) ?n e binary tree and explain its properties. Explain thablnatym, ,_ '1'}. > H
r techniques with example. 7 _ , ma ,7 _
te a program to travel binary tre; in pre-order. P031 order and . ?2
0 , ? , ?
[7| ' mmmmmum spanning tree? Construct mmmum

This post was last modified on 18 April 2020