Download RGUHS Pharm-D 1st Semester 2012 Sept 2855 Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) 1st Semester 2012 Sept 2855 Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper.

PIC 2855_2012_2_S101.doc
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
I Year Pharma-D Examination - Sep 2012

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 70 Marks


Q.P. CODE: 2855

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary
LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 = 20 Marks
1. a) Define an antacid? Classify those giving examples. Why combination of compounds is
preferred in antacid therapy (4 marks)
b) Write the method of preparation and principle involved in the assay of Sodium
Bicarbonate (6 marks)

2. a) Explain the principle involved in the limit test for Arsenic, with reactions (5 marks)
b) Describe the Arsenic limit test apparatus, with neat labeled diagram (5 marks)

3. a) What are non-aqueous titrations? Write the principle, with reactions, involved in the
assay of Sodium Benzoate (5 marks)
b) Give any one compound which can be assayed by using modified Volhard?s method.
Write the principle and reactions involved in it (5 marks)

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Six) 6 x 5 = 30 Marks
4. Define dental anti caries? Write a method of preparation, Properties, Storage conditions, use of
Sodium Fluoride

5. Write preparation, principle involved in the assay and used of Boric acid
6. Name few extra and intracellular ions. Write the normal levels and physiological role of
Calcium and Phosphate ions in the body

7. Write procedure and principle involved in Iron Limit Test
8. Define haematinics with examples? Write the method of preparation, principle involved in the
assay of Ferrous Sulphate

9. Write preparation properties, storage, assay principle for chlorinated lime

10. What is saline cathartic? Write preparation and assay of Magnesium Sulphate
11. Write a note on theory of indicators

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks
12. Write the composition of Barium sulphate reagent used in limit test for sulphates?
13. Give a method of preparation and use of Nitrous Oxide
14. Chloride limit test principle
15. Write the composition of Ringer lactate solution, mention its use
16. Complete and balance the following Na2S2O3+I2
17. Give one example for an acidifying agent and mention its use
18. What is the difference between Ferrous Sulphate and Dried Ferrous Sulphate?
19. Note on Barium Sulphate
20 Define the terms molarity, normality
21. Calculate the number of grams of NaCl in two litre of a 0.9% w/v solution
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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