Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B Tech 2019 March (Bachelor of Technology) 4th Semester Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I Question Paper
Mid Semester Examination ? March 2019
Course: B. Tech in chemical engineering Sem: IV
Subject Name: chemical engineering thermodynamics?I Subject Code: BTCHC402
Max Marks: 20 Datc:-12/03/2019 Duration:- 1 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. Question 1 is compulsory and carries 6 marks
2. Solve any two from question 2 and solve any one question from question 3.
3. Figures to right indicate marks
4. If any data is missing, you may assume it and mention it in your answer sheet Usual symbols apply
(chci/OO) Marks
Q. 1 Pick the correct alternative for the following question 6
LAN spontaneous process are understanding
a. Reversible
c.Reversible adiabatic
d. adiabatic
2. ideal gas law is applicable at understanding
a. Low T and low P
b. high T and high P.
c. Low T and high P.
d. high T and low P
3 .assuming that CO: obeys the perfect gas law, the density of C02 in kg/m3 at 536 K and 202.2 kPa is. applying
a. l
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
4. the kinetic energy of gas molecule is zero at applying
a. 0 ?C
b.273 0C
c. 100 ?C
d. -273 ?C
5. Maximum work that could be secured by expanding the gas over a given pressure range is the undcmtandjng
work. ? "
a. isothermal
b. adiabatic
c. iscntropic
d. none of these
6.Isobaric process means a constant process understanding
a. tempcrature
b. pressure
0. volume
d. entropy
Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following. 3 X 2
(A) State and explain ?rst law of thermodynamics for open system. mdm? g
(B) Calculate change in internal energy and change in enthalpy in K] for 1 kmoi water, as it is vmriz?d at Anaiyzing
constant temperature of 373K and constant pressure of 101.3kPa. the speci?c volume of liquid and
vapour at these conditions are 1.04 * 10 '3 and 1.675 m3/kmol respectivelyzlmo k] of ham added 10
water for this change.
(C) An electric current of 0.5 A from a 12 V supply is passed for 5 minutes through a resistance in themal Analyzing
contact with saturated water at 1 atm. As a result , 1.798 g of water is vaporized. Assumc that water
vapour behaves ideally, calculate the molar internal energy change and enthalpy change during
QT?) ?
Solve Any One of the following.
673.15 K steadily enters a nozzic at a rate of 5 kg/s and leavcs the 110711: at
(A) Steam at 1890 W3 and
1400 kPa with a vdocity of 300 111/5111: inlet w of the nozzle is 0.02 m2 . hcat losses from the 1102215
per unit mass an estimated to be 3.3 kjfkg Wine m: exit temperamrc.
(B) Midas!gasisumiagoingasaiesof?tmcgpaa?onsz?acgasishcmndatmrm?volmm300'
onZbar. Itisexpandedinrcvasiblcadiaba?claroocssofl banhisooolodat-
Mime? barto300Kdda-n?nchwandwu?kc?cctfmmdxstep.AssumcCp=293?
ldlkmo! K
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