Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 3rd Sem Reg-Supple 2018 Nov Dec 12E01401 Entrepreneurship Development Previous Question Paper
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MBA (Finance) IV Semester Supplementary Examinations November/December 2018
(For students admitted in 2014 (LC), 2015 & 2016 only)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 Explain about growth of entrepreneurship in India.
2 Explain features of various types of businesses.
3 Explain SWOT analysis in detail.
4 Explain the types of investors.
5 Explain about the contents and formulation of project report.
6 Explain the different types of strategies.
7 Discuss government of India policy measures to promote women entrepreneurship in India.
8 Explain the role of NGOs in developing rural entrepreneurship.
***** - FirstRanker's Choice
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