Download BU (Bangalore University) MBA 1st Semester 2018 Feb Business and Industry Question Paper

Download BU (Bangalore University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 1st Semester 2018 Feb Business and Industry Question Paper

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Semester MBA. Degree Exeminstlen, anusryfFehruary 2015
{CECE} (2am ? EMS and ansrds}
Paper - 1 .E : Business and Industry.?r
Time :3 Hours Max. Marks : Ti]
Answer any five 01' the isllewing. Each question carries five marks : {5:45:25}
Explain the interaction and linkages wifh government and business in India.
_ Discuss the entrepreneurship suliurs in India.
Explain the gremh sf indisn Business during Swsdsshi Movement.
. Writers nets en :
s} Brsmh sffinansiai sewises in India
bi Trends in hnnisuiiure sssier.
Explain the snnssqusnsss of crisis management with sxsmples.
Discuss the rols of different NGB?s in the grew?i of Indian Essnun?uyr
Explain the characteristics 01? puttingrsui system-
Answer any three of the fellewing questions. Each question carries
ten marks: i3x1?=??i
Explain the ressnt trends and the fuiure sssnaris sf indisn services sector.
Discuss the impact sf dsrmneiissiion en Indian Business and Industry.
Expisin the Industrial Bnlicy. 2014 and its impensnss in Indian Business.
Explain the irsnds and challenges sf Human Hsseurss Dspartmsnt during
crisis and how to ever ssrns the crisis ? Explain.

12. Casa study {Gumpulsoryi : {13:15:15}
Bass 1 .2 : From Candis ssliar tb CED
Narssh Gulati. 39 years bld. usad to sail dabbra?ys sandlss to tha nswly wad
sbuprss slang the madsids in Chandigarh. Ha was hsyar inta rsstsd in studias
and always wanted to do something at his awn. deay. ha is tha owner cf the
fM?-srsra Dsaanis Consultants Australia Group [DEA Gruup}-
Ha triad many businsssas. starting from selling candles to whblssals slbth
batting 113 saarnatiss whblasala and tsashing at Aptsch Gbmputars tb running
a ssmputar santrs, and has finally ssttlad down an sysrsaas adusa?bn
consultancy businsss. Although GuIati flunksd in lEilass 1D and partbrmstt
miserably in sbllsga. ha is l'I?W a guest lsctursr sh sntrsprsnsurship in Iaading
Australian uniyarsitiss and inspires budding sntrsptsnsurs. Hs did his diplsma
in electronic data prosassing and want to FtIy'IIT, Matbburna. in 1995 for a
postgraduate saursa in infarrnatlbn systsrns. Hawsysr. destiny had sbmsthing
slsa In stars tbr him.
?When I reached thsra, I rsaIizsd that I had bash dupad. I was pramisatt a job
in Mslbaurns by my immigration sansuttant. and that would hays hstsd ms
slsar ths lsan that I took for going oyarsaaa', rssaIIs Gulati. For the I'IE?tt six
months. ha cams In tbush with ssyaral studsnts who had mat the same fats.
And this matta him think absut a fantastic businsss bppbrtunity ? im migration
ssnsuttansy businsss.
Gulati san'is bask ts Chandigarh in 1996 and startsd Dsaanis Cansu?ants.
Chandigarh had met 111]I such agsnsiss at that time, and ha was discouraged
by many nbttb antar into this business. ILThsrs was atims whsn I had tb chassis
batwaan ms bptibns - paying ths rant or using that msnsy fur adyarlising.
I chase the Iattar and the risk paid atI?.
In thrsa years. DcsanicCc-nsultants had spansci branchss in Ludhiana. Patiala.
dallandhar and Amritsar. However, the franchisa model was not sustainabls as
quality was gstting a?astsd and psbpls wars not intsrsstad in inyasting manay.
Marssysr. astab?shad players such as Study Dysrsaas and IE-P Education
srsatad a dent in whatsyar Iittls marksting that Gcaanii: did.
Dcsanis Cansultants thsn zarbsd in an campanyvbwnad thisa mbdsr. And this
decision yielded results. lEI.?II:IaanII.': now has 21] stiisss amass India and plans to
take tha GDLII'? ts ED by am 3.
The mmany spansd its first b?iba abrbad In Australia a dssads back and an
stiles in tha United Kingdom in 2010. The company has plans tr:- hays thsir
prssansa In the United Statss and Canada by tha and b12011.

lillil llllllllillllllll?llll .3.
The promoter visualized another opportunity in printing and distribution
particularly for the university segments. It developed a new technology for
the same in the year 2005 that enabled institutions to put up online orders
of prospectus printing, postage and tracking from India to anywhete in the
world. This outsourcing facility resulted in substantial savings in the range of
25 to 65 percent of their pro?ts which just involved an investment in starting a
BPO intelligence to the tune of just A$ 1,000. Within a period of years, BPO
Intelligence became one of the leading companies in Australia with 29 of the
39 universities using its services.
The next year the company came out with another idea on software solutions
for the education industry that led to the formation of Object Next Software
with an investment of A$5 million. The corporate restructuring of the company
in 2007 resulted in OCA Group becoming the parent company of Oceanic
Consultants, BPO intelligence and Object next, located in Australia. These
three companies have been winning Australian Business Awards every year
since 2008.
In 2011, Oceanic Consultants won the Australian Business Award for best
enterprise in personal services industry. Object Next had won the award for
best new product, and BPO Intelligence had won the award in two categories
- product value and product excellence.
The Fairfax Media Group?s Business Review Weekly ranked BPO Intelligence
as the 12?" fastest growing company in Australia this year, up from 93" in 2008.
Today, it contributes to more than 30 to 40 per cent of the group's total revenue
of A$20 million. To make the Oceanic Consultants meaner and leaner. Gulati
brought in Pricewaterhouse Coopers last year to do a performance management
of the entire system, and at the same time added a virtual private network
connecting all its offices across different countries.
?The demand for quality education and a global qualification is high in india.
We plan to capitalize on this demand and become a global player. enabling
admissions from any place to any place in the world. We?re investing heavily
into technology. which would allow us to hold global webinars providing virtual
access to everyone?, adds Naresh Gulati.
Questions :
1) What has been thesecret of success of Naresh Guiati ?
2) What are the key traits visible in Naresh's personality that led to his success ?
3) Naresh had changed a number of businesses before settling down with a
business. Is it advisable to keep changing businesses ?

This post was last modified on 28 January 2020