Download AKTU B-Tech 3rd Sem 2016-2017 NME 303 Thermodynamics Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 3rd Semester (Third Semester) 2016-2017 NME 303 Thermodynamics Question Paper

Printed Pages ? 7 NME - 303
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled m your
Answer Books)
l?upcr ll) : 201225? Roll No.
Regular Theory Examination (Odd Sem - III), 2016-17
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
l. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer of each part in short. (10X2=20)
a) List any ?ve physical properties of matter which
can be used for measurement of temperature.
b) How does a homogeneous system differ from a
heterogeneous system?
0) Write Boyle?s law and Charle?s Law.
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NME - 303
d) State Camottheorem.
e) Compare heat pump and refrigerator.
f) State third law of thermodynamics.
g) Is the availability function same for a non-?ow and
a ?ow process? Justify.
h) What advantages are obtained ifsuperheated steam
is used in steam prime movers?
i) De?ne dryness fraction of steam.
j) De?rie brake power in an IC Engine.
Attempt any 5 questions from this section.(5X10=50)
In a gas turbine unit, the gases ?ow through the turbine is
1 5 kg/s and the power developed by the turbine is 12000
kW. The enthalpies of gases at the inlet and outlet are
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NME - 303
1260 kJ/kg and 400 kJ/kg respectively, and the velocity
of gases at the inlet and outlet are 50 m/s and 110 m/s
respectively. Calculate:
i) The rate at which heat is rejected to the turbine, and
ii) The area of the inlet pipe given that the speci?c
volume of the gases at the inlet is 0.45 m3/kg.
3 kg of air at 1.5 bar pressure and 77?C temperature at
state 1 is compressed polytropically to state 2 at pressure
7.5 bar, index of compression being 1.2. It is then cooled
at constant temperature to its original state 1 . Find the
net work done and heat transferred.
Explain the entropy principle and apply it to a closed
Two kg of air at 500 kPa, 80?C expands adiabatically in a
closed system until its volume is doubled and its
temperature becomes equal to that of the surroundings
which is 100 kPa, 5?C. For this process determine.
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NME - 303
a) The maximum work
b) The change in availability
c) The irreversibility
Show that Violation of Kelvin Planck statement of second
law of thermodynamics implies a Violation of Clausius
Draw the p-T diagram of pure substance and explain its
various regions of the diagram in details?
Discuss the effect of pressure of steam at inlet to turbine,
temperature at inlet to turbine and pressure at exit from
turbine upon Rankine cycle performance.
Explain the following:
a) Brake speci?c fuel consumption,
b) Brake mean effective pressure,
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NME - 303
c) Mechanical ef?ciency,
d) Brake thermal efficiency,
e) Indicated thermal ef?ciency.
Attempt any 2 questions from this section
(2 X 15=30)
a) Compare SI engines with C1 engines (8)
b) De?ne a thermodynamic system. Differentiate
between open system, closed system and an isolated
system. (7)
a) Derive the steady ?ow energy equation applied to
compressor. (7)
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(5) [P.T.O.

NME - 303 NME ' 303
b) Throttling calorimeter has steam entering to it at
lOMPa and cOming out of it at 0.05 MPa and 100?C.
Determine dryness fraction of steam. (8)
12. Three reversible engines of Carnot type are operating in
series as shown between the limiting temperatures of
1100 K and 300 K. Determine the intermediate
temperature? if the work output from engines is in
proportion of 3 :2 :1.

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020