Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 6th Semester (Sixth Semester) 2015-2016 EEC 013 Advanced Semiconductor Devices Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
PaperID:131653 R011N0.| I I I I I | | | |
Theory Examination (Semester?VI) 2015-16
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer of each part in short. (2X10=20)
(a) The Si energy gap changes monotonically with tempera-
ture. What is the basic concept behind this?
(b) Draw the energy level diagram of a PN junction.
(C) HOW a junction barrier is developed across an unbiased
(d) Make the energy band diagram of a metal and semicon-
ductor junction at equilibrium. Consider Al metal having
a large work function and n?type semiconductor.
1 (1) P.T.O.
Why does current saturate in long channel MOSFET
When large drain voltage is applied on drain?
A pn junction photodiode is operated under photovol-
taic condition similar to solar cell and having the similar
I-V Characteristics. under illumination. State three ma-
jor differences between photodiode and solar cell.
What is kinetic energy of a hole at the top of the valence
De?ne minority carrier life time.
What are the different types of degenerate Semiconduc-
What is meant by IMPATT diode?
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section. (10X5=50)
(i) Explain the recombination of excess carriers in semi-
conductors. Derive an expression for excess carrier
(i1) Derive an expression for hole and electron di?usion
(2) P.T.O.
Prove that for a linearly graded PN junction the maxi-
mum electric ?eld in depletion region is 3/2 times of
average electric ?eld.
(0) Derive the current expression for long base ideal diode.
(d) Write down the different methods to calculate the
barrier height of a Schottky barrier diode.
(e) Explain the formation of rectifying M-S contact barrier
process using Schottky?Mott theory.
(f) Derive an expression for a saturated drain current of a
n?channel ME SFET.
(g) Explain the principle of operation, storage and transfer
of charge in basic charge coupled device (CCD).
(h) Derive an expression for power output and e?iciency of
a MSM BAITT diode.
Attempt any two questions from this section. (15X2=30)
3. The donor and acceptor concentration in Si sample is 6><1015
and 2><1015 cm?3 respectively. Determine the position ofFermi
(3) P.T.O.
Level With recpect to intrinsic energy level Ei at room tem-
perature. Also ?nd out the value and sign of Hall coe?icient.
Explain the MESGET operation in case of Depletion mode
and enhancement mode device. Draw the I-V characteristic
A hetero-junction is formed between n-type Ge
(With Nd=1.5><1016 cm?3) and p-type GaAs (With
Na=8.5><1015 cm3).
i. Draw the thermal equilibrium energy band diagram of
ii Calculate the buit?in voltage of the junction.
(4) P.T.O.
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020