Download AKTU B-Tech 6th Sem 2015-2016 NME 603 Dynamics Of Machine Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 6th Semester (Sixth Semester) 2015-2016 NME 603 Dynamics Of Machine Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 NME?603
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
Theory Examination (SemesterLVI) 2015-16
Hme : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Q1. Attempt all question (2x 10=20)
(a) Differentiate between static force analysis and dynamic
force analysis.
(b) De?ne crank effort and crank?pin effort.
(0) De?ne coef?cient of ?uctuation of speed.
((1) State the conditions for complete balance of several
masses revolving in di??erent planes of a shaft.
(e) What are the e?ects of hammer blow and swaying
(1) P.T.O.

(t) Whyarethecranksofaloeomotive,withtwocylimiers,
placed at 90? to each other?
(3) What is meant by degrees of ?eedom in a vibrating
(b) Sketch the Time Vs Displacement for under-damped
and over-damped system
(i) What is meant by isochronous conditions governor?
(j) Write expression for gyroscopic couple.
Attempt any ?ve. (5x10=50)
(a) Deduee the expression for the inertia force in the recip-
rocating force neglecting the weight of the connecting
rod. 7
(b) The radius of gyration of a ?y wheel is 1 meter and
?uctuation of speed is not to exceed 1% of the mean
speed of the ?ywheel. If the mass of the ?ywheel is
3340kg and the steam develops lSOKW at l35rpm,
then ?nd
i. Maximum ?uctuation of energy
ii. Coe?icient of ?uctuation of energy
Derive the following expression of effects of partial
balancing in two cylinder locomotive engine
i. Variation of tractive force
ii. Swaying couple
iii. Hammer blow
in terms of spring sti?ness, its inert'm e??ect and sus-
Acantileversha? 50mmdiameterand3001mnbnghas
adiscofnnss lOOkgatits?eeendTheyomg'smodu?
lus for the sha? unterial is ZOOGN/mz. Determine the
Explain the effect of gyroscopic couple on an Aeroplane
on both the tum.
Calculate the rage of speed of a porter governor which
has equal arms of each 200mm long and pivoted on
the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is 4kg and
the central load of the sleeve is 20kg.The radius of
rotation of the ball is 100mm when the governor
being to li? and 130mm when the governor is at
maximum speed
(3) P.T.O.

(h) A porter governor has equal arms each 250mm long
and pivoted on the axis of rotation. Each ball has a
mass of 5kg and mass of the central load on the
sleeve is 25kg.The radius of rotation of the ball is
150mm when governor is at maximum speed. Find
the maximum and minimum speed and range of speed
of the governor.
Attempt any two (2X15==30)
The total mass of four wheel trolley car is 1800kg. The car
runs on rail of 1.6m gauge and round a curve of 24m mean
radius at 36km/hr. The track is banked at 10?. The diam-
eter of the wheel is 600mm. Each pair of wheel with axle
has a mass of 180kg and radius of gymtion of 240m The
height of the CG of car above the wheel base is 950mm.
Determine the pressure on each rail.
The length of the upper and lower arms of a porter gov-
ernor are 200mm and 250mm respectively. Both the arms
are pivoted on the axis of rotation. The central load is
150N, the weight of the each ball is 20N and the ?iction
of the sleeve together with the resistance of the operating
gear is equivalent to a force of 30N at the sleeve. If the
limiting inclinations of the upper arms to the vertical are
30? and 40? taking ?ction in to account. Find the range
of speed of the governor.
The barrel of a large gun recoils against a spring on ?ring.
At the end of the ?ring, a dashpot is engaged that allows
the barrel to return to its original position in minimum
time without oscillation. Gun barrel mass is 400kg and
initial velocity of recoils lmDetermine spring sti?iiess
and critical damping coef?cient of dashpot.

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020