Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 7th Semester (Seventh Semester) 2018-2019 ECE 043 Open Channel Flow Question Paper
Paperldz? 110111101 1 1 1 11 1 I 1 1 1
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 1 00
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose su1tab1y
1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 10 = 20
De?ne varied ?ow with neat sketches.
What are prismatic channels.
Discuss velocity distribution in an open channel flow,
De?ne between GVF and RVF
Explain the term hydraulic jump.
Describe the Chczy?s equations for uniform Flow in open channel
What are the dilfercnce between closed and open channel ?ow?
Explain the tc1m cclcrity ofw ave
Define critical depth in open channel
What is meant by design head for sp1ltway.
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7 ' 10 31:30
a A rectangular channel b=2i65mgcanics a ?ow at 11 velocity of 0.981111k?ahd at a
depth of 1. 35 111 if at some lucation its V1 dth is reduced hf. half and 3190 its
bed 15 raised by 0 +0 in 1? hat happens to the upstieam depth of 111111
b. What do we mean by. {[1 max11num 1115111111131. through a chamiel at: 11) A g1V 1:11
spccii'lc encrg; (1;)- A given speci?c 101cc
0. Giving a sketch derive the governing equation of wager; surface pro?le in a non?
uniform flovt explain with neat sketches.
d. A river an average bed slope of 0.00048 bed 11111111 110m canies a ?ow at a
depth of water to 5m immediately bchmd itself. Calculate the length 01 the
water surface pro?le that is developed using shi?tablc intervals. Take n-.=0 (129
e. What are the assumptions used for driving the Dynamic equation of gradually
Laricd ?ow.
2. Attempt any three of the following;
3. Attempt any one part 111? the fullq'??ing: 10 ,-: 1 = 10
(a) A ?ow of 101) lit/g?jn a rectangular channel of width 0.6m and having
adjustable bottomns?ldp'e . If Chezy?s c is '56. Determine the bottom slope
necessary for uniform ?ow with a depth of ?ow 013m . Also ?nd the
conveyance and the state of ?ow
(b) Calculate the speci?c energy critical depth and velocity for the ?ow of IO
m3/s in a cement lined rectangular channel 2 5 m wide with 2 m dcpth of ? ater.
Is the given subcritical or super critical?
Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x l = 10
(a) A rectangular channel section is to have critical ?ow and at the same time the
wetted perimeter is to be minimum. Show that these two conditions to occur
simultaneously: the width of the channel must be equal to 8/9 times the
minimum specific energy leve1i
(bi A short reach of 2 m wide rectangular open channel has its bed levl rising in the
direction of ?ow at a slope of 1 in 10,000, it carries a dischaige of 4m3/s and
Manning?s roughness coefficient in 0.014 the [low in this reach is gradually
varying .At a certain section in this reach, the depth of ?ow is 0.5m . Compute
the rate of change of water depth with distance at this section. Assume
Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x 1 = 10
(a) Derive the expression for the most economical depth of?ow 01' water in terms
of the diameter of thC channel of circular section V (i) For maximum velocity
(ii) For maximum discharge
(b) An over?ow spillway has its crest at an elevation of 125.4 and horizontal apron
at an elevation of 95 m , take coe?icient of discharge of the Spillwa} as 0.735,
if the elevation of energy line at upstream is 127 9 compute the tail water
elevation to form a hvdraulic iump at 11011111 sueam 0f the spillwax Neglect
energy loss own the sp1llway ?
Attempt anv one part of the following: 10 it 1:10} ?
(a) A veiy wide rectangilar channel 52%ries 0f 8 mj/s pm in w idth the chaiiiie1 has
a bed slope 01 (I
004 and manning s roughii?SS Coe?ieient of 0. 05 At a celtain sectioii Ihe 110w
dept h 15 1 111. C ompiite. the kngth of water surface 11101116 to a section with ?ow
lepth of 1) 9111 Use dtt?h step method emplo3 mg single stop.
(b) W' 1211 do you mean 111 h} draulically ef?cient channel section? Explain in
detail 1?
Allempt 311) one part of the following: , 1 V ~ I 10 x 1 = 10
111) What IS break wate1?.? how is it classi?ed? Explain one in detail
(11) A rectangular ?ume 2m \xidc carries discharge at the rate 01' 7 cumees. The bed
slope ofthc ?ume is 0.0004. At certain section the depth of?tm is 1m.
Calculate the distance of the section duuriisiream where the depth 01~ ?ow is
0.9111, Suhe by single 5th method. Assume rugosity coef?rient as (1.014. 15 the
111096 (11?1he channel mild or steep"? 110w is this type 111 surface pro?le lesi?ed
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This post was last modified on 29 January 2020