Download PTU EM WAVES Question Bank

Download PTU (Punjab Technical University) EM WAVES Question Bank

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1. Write Maxwell?s equations in differential form. (2) {JUN 15 [GNE]}
2. Derive Maxwell?s electromagnetic wave equation for a non-conducting
medium. (4) {JUN 15 [GNE]}
3. Show that electrostatic field is equal to the negative of potential gradient and
hence show that electrostatic field is conservative. (4) {JUN 15 [GNE]}
4. What is the physical significance of divergence of of a vector field? (2)
{JUN 15 [PTU]}
5. What do you mean by displacement current? (2) {DEC 14 [GNE]}
6. Show that velocity of plane electromagnetic waves in free space is given by
0 0
? ?
= c . (4) {DEC 14 [GNE]]}
7. Using Maxwell?s equations prove that 0 . =
+ ?
? ?
. (4) {DEC 14 [GNE]}
8. Derive differential form of ampere?s circuital law for (i) steady currents and
(ii) varying currents. (4) {JUN 14 [GNE]}
9. Derive Maxwell?s electromagnetic wave equation for vacuum. (4) {JUN 14
10. Define Poynting vector. Give its significance. (2) {JUN 14 [GNE]}
11. What is the origin of displacement current density? (2) {JUN 14 [GNE]}
12. What is dielectric polarization? (2) {Dec 2013 [GNE]}
13. Derive Maxwell?s electromagnetic wave equation and hence find the
velocity of light in vacuum. (4) {Dec 2013 [GNE]}
14. Give an example of lamellar and solenoidal vector fields. (2) {Jun 2013
15. Define divergence of a vector field. Write its expression in terms of
Cartesian coordinates and discuss its physical significance. (4) {Jun 2013
16. Use Maxwell?s equations to deduce wave equations in terms of
? ?
H & E field
vectors for free space. (4) {Jun 2013 [GNE]}
17. What is the significance of divergence and curl of a vector? (2) {Dec 2012
18. What is dielectric polarization? Explain. (2) {Dec 2012 [GNE]}
19. Write Maxwell?s equations and discuss their significance. (4) {Dec 2012
20. In an electric field, the potential is given as Volt. 9 3 4x z) y, V(x,
2 2 2
z y + + =
Calculate electric field at the point ). 3 , 2 , 1 ( (4) {Dec 2012 [GNE]} - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 30 January 2020
