Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech 4th Semester 1541 Environmental Studies Question Paper

Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 4th Semester 1541 Environmental Studies Question Paper

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This question paper contains 4+2 printed pages]
Roll No.
S.N0. of Question Paper : 1541
Unique Paper?Chde : E82014 I I E
Name of the Paper I : Environmental Studies
Name of the Course : Undergraduate Course [Compulsory and Qualifying]
Semester : II
Dur?itioh : 3 Hours ' . . L Maximum Marks : 75
. . v ?
(Write your Roll No. 6n the top immediately on'receipt of this question paper.) I
Note : ? Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium' should
be used throtxghout 'the paper.
,gmsa?mmwnmaamm: '
' Attempt any five que?tiohs.
All questions carry equal marks.
w uta m 2% am am.
? Ra? ?W? % 31$ w %n .
1. (a)rFillinthe?blanks:~rt ' _' . " I ? 7 " 34:5
(1')? ' Ozone layer depletion is caused: by ............... l.?..' ..... . >
(2:) Each linkJin a food chain is Called .

(2). 1541
(iii) World Environment Day is observed on ........................ every year.
(iv) ..................... region is a biodiversity hotspot in India.
(v) .......................... is a non-renewable source of energy.?
(b) Explain any ?ve. of the following : ? ? 5X2=10
(i) I Feed web
(ii) Soil erosidn
(iii). Poaching ?
(iv) Eutrophicati?n
(v) S?s'tainable developmg?t
(vi) Ecpsystem
(.vii) Global w'a?i?g.
(1-) WW-?mmm ...................... %|47
W \W. W a} W W ? ...... ? ....... w- m %l
(?o?mmam ...... . .............. 3% mm%l
(iv) m if ?a?w 9m 1155 W m %l
(V) ..... W W W WW ?I

( 3 )
(i) ara?am
(ii). 1331 W
(iii) W
(iv) W
(v) Wm
(vi) W?a?sr
(vii) W WWI
Write a short' paragraph on any three of the following :
(i) Aquatic ecosystems
.07) Wind energy
(iii) India as a mega-diversity nation
?(iv) Noise pollution and human health
(v) Multi?disciplinaryvnatmre of Environmental Studies.
(1'2) draw?
(iii) W?rwa?w?w?m
(iv) a?m?nww
(V) Waw?wlw?l

(4) - 1541
((1) Describe any ?ve services we obtain from our planet?s biodiversity. 5
(b) What are the majog threats to the forests of India 7 5
(c) What are grasslands ? Why should they be conserved ? 5
(a) What is air pollution ?'Differentiate between p?mary and secondary pollutants. How does
air pollution impact humans and plants ? 2+3+5
(b) Discuss the masons for depletionlof water table in Delhi. What measures should be taken
to remedy this problem ? 2+3
(a?argww? ?mmms?imm?mwmlm
(a) Differentiate between ex situ and (in situ conservation. ? 5
I (b) What are bidsphere reserves ? Name any ?two biosphere feserves of India and explain
how these help in the conservation of biological diversity ? 10
(a?amatfaat?wame? ?mm?W?aWaaa?m "
me? ' f "

( 5 ) 1541
What are alternate sources of energy ? Give examples. Why is it imponant to develop
alternate sources of energy ? 5
C ritically evaluate the use of nuclear energy with reference to environment and human
health giving suitable examples. 10
_. (a)
How do indigenous communities and their traditional practices contribute towards
conservation of natural resources ? - V 5.
Evaluate the role of variqus environment relatedi'laws of India in envirOnmental
v cdnservation. 10

( 6 ) ~ 1541
(a) ?Social and electronic media are playing a signi?cant role in generating environmental
awareness and education.? Comment. 8
(b) Do the gains from major development projects outweigh the losses duetodisplacement
of people ? Comment . ? 7
, 154;1
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This post was last modified on 31 January 2020