Download PTU B.Arch 2020 March 6th Sem 45046 Theory Of Design Iii Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (IKGPTU) B.Arch 2020 March (Bachelor of Architecture) 6th Sem 45046 Theory Of Design Iii Previous Question Paper

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 01
Total No. of Questions : 08
B.Arch. (Sem.?6)
Subject Code : AR-326
M.Code : 45046
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 50

1. All questions carry Equal marks.
2. Attempt any Five questions.

Q1. ?Working with simple materials, notably brick and concrete, Louis Kahn applied his
principles to create buildings instilled with the spiritual qualities for which he strove
through a masterful sense of space and light.? Elaborate the above statement with relevant
examples of his buildings.
Q2. Describe Paul Rudolph?s concepts of ?megastructures? or a ?city-within-city? a concept of
building which the architect felt will be regarded in tomorrow?s world as the obvious
solution of urban problems.
Q3. Discuss in detail some of the exemplary works of the Danish architect Jorn Utzon that
highlights his design philosophy.
Q4. Discuss the design philosophies of any two of the following :
a. Seagram Building, New York City
b. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima, Japan
c. TWA Flight Center, 1962, New York
Q5. Discuss the major architectural works of Charles Correa that illustrates his design
Q6. Discuss in detail some of the exemplary works of Indian architect B.V. Doshi that
highlights his design philosophy.
Q7. Discuss the architectural contributions of Raj Rewal in India, bringing forth his design
Q8. Briefly discuss about U.C. Jain and his contributions to the architectural profession.
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This post was last modified on 31 March 2020