Download UPSC Combined Medical Services (CMS) CMS 2015 Paper II Question Paper
1. A 20 year old female was operated for perforation peritonitis and after closing the
rectus sheet her abdominal wound was left open to heal with proliferative granulation
tissue which contracted and epithelized to form a scar. This patient had undergone
healing by:
(a) Primary intention
(b) Secondary intention
(c) Tertiary Intention
(d) Delayed primary intention
2. A 50 year old patient had a haematoma in his left gluteal region which was large,
painful and causing some neural deficit. The next plan of management will be to:
(a) Apply some superficial ointment for it to subside
(b) Get an CECT or MRI done
(c) Incise or aspirate the haematoma
(d) Leave it alone
3. An 18 year old boy had a closed lower limb injury while riding his motorbike. He was
brought to hospital where on examination he had severe pain which increased on
passive movement of effected limb with distal sensory disturbances. What is the
probable diagnosis?
(a) Degloving Injury
(b) High Pressure Injection injury
(c) Compartment syndrome
(d) Deep Vein thrombosis
4. A surgeon told the patient's attendant that his patient has "flesh eating bug" which is
the cause of such severe infection in his dirty wound on his lower limb. Which
organism was the surgeon referring to?
(a) Staphylococcus aureus
(b) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(c) Clostridium difficile
(d) Steptococcus pyogenes
5. In Hernia repair, polypropylene suture is used because
(a) It is a synthetic braided dyed absorbable suture with low tissue reaction and high
tensile strength
(b) It is synthetic monofilament dyed non absorbable suture with low tissue reaction
and high tensile strength
(c) It is a synthetic monofilament undyed absorbable suture with high tissue reaction
and low tensile strength
(d) It is a synthetic monofilament undyed non absorbable suture with high tissue
reaction and which degrades at 15-20% per year
6. A 60 year old lady had a pyothorax which was treated with an intercostal chest drain.
After two days, the meniscus of the fluid in the tube was not swinging during her
respiratory process. What could be the likely problem?
(a) Chest drain blockage
(b) No fluid in the chest drain bag
(c) Water seal not proper
(d) High atmospheric pressure
7. The main principle regarding removal of drain after surgery is
(a) Keep drains as long as possible to prevent complications
(b) Drains kept for colo-rectal anastomosis should be removed within 2 days as they
can cause complications
(c) Suction drains can be removed early
(d) Drain should be removed as soon as it is no longer required
8. The Chief of laparoscopic surgery asked his assistant to give him a laparoscopic port
which has absolutely no chance of "capacitance coupling" during laparoscopic surgery.
Which port should the assistant give to the Chief?
(a) Metal laparoscopic port
(b) Metal port with plastic cuff
(c) Partial plastic port
(d) Complete plastic port
9. Southampton wound grading system and ASEPSIS wound score is used for
(a) Severity of wound infections
(b) Surgical site cosmesis
(c) Surgical scar
(d) Severity of granulation tissue
10. A 75 year old diabetic man had surgery for perforated colonic diverculitis. In his post
operative period he complained of severe wound pain and had signs of spreading
inflammation with crepitus with subdermal spread of gangrene. He is likely to be
suffering from
(a) Clostridial infection
(b) Meleney synergistic gangrene
(c) Abdominal wall cellulitis
(d) Intra-peritoneal collection
11. Al of the fol owing are congenital sinuses except:
(a) Pre auricular
(b) Urachal sinus
(c) Coccygeal
(d) Pilonidal
12. An obese 45 year lady who is a chronic smoker came with tender subcutaneous
nodules with chronic inflammation with scarring under her left axilla. She is likely to be
suffering from:
(a) Lipodystrophy
(b) Hidradenitis suppurativa
(c) Xeroderma pigmentosum
(d) Pyoderma gangrenosum
13. The priority in management of supracondylar fracture of humerus in a child is:
(a) Preservation of Brachial artery entanglement
(b) Debridement of wound
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Immobilization
14. All of the following are premalignant lesions except:
(a) Actinic Solar Keratosis
(b) Bowen's Disease
(c) Giant Hairy Naevus
(d) Rhinophymoma
15. A 50 year old man with long history of swelling in his right parotid region had sudden
history of occasional pain, nerve weakness along with paresthesia. His fine needle
aspiration cytology was inconclusive. What should be the next step?
(a) Superficial Parotidectomy
(b) Trucut Biopsy
(c) MRI
(d) CT Scan
16. A 70 year old man with history of smoking has a 1 cm ulcerative lesion over the
vermilion of his upper lip. What is he likely to be suffering from?
(a) Squamous cell carcinoma
(b) Basal cell carcinoma
(c) Spindle cell carcinoma
(d) Adenoid squamous carcinoma
17. A 55 year old male came with history of hoarseness of voice for which direct
laryngoscopy was done and the lesion was biopsied to detect squamous cel
carcinoma. He now requires investigation to detect extent of cartilage involvement,
imaging of pre and paraglottic spaces and any extension to deep neck structures. Most
appropriate investigation of choice will be:
(a) CT Scan
(b) Endo Ultrasound
(c) MRI
(d) Repeat direct laryngoscopy under general anaesthesia
18. Breast imaging reporting and data system (BI-RADS): Final assessment categorized a
45 year old female to have Category 5 disease. What does the report signify?
(a) Incomplete assessment
(b) Negative- Annual screening can be recommended.
(c) Probably benign (2% malignant)
(d) Highly suggestive of malignancy (95% malignant)
19. In a male patient of road traffic accident with blood at the tip of external meatus, the
likely injury is:
(a) Injury to urethra
(b) Injury to urinary bladder
(c) Injury to kidney
(d) Injury to al of these
20. A 35 year old female has inflammatory carcinoma of left breast, with clinically
palpable two left axillary lymph nodes and no clinically or radiologically detectable
metastasis. Her TNM staging will be:
(a) T4 N2 M0
(b) T4b N2 M0
(c) T4d N1 M0
(d) T4d N2 M0
21. Milan trial, NSABP trial and EORTC trial in breast cancer compared:
(a) Chemotherapy vs Radiotherapy in breast cancer
(b) Breast conservative therapy vs Mastectomy
(c) Neo adjuvant chemotherapy vs Adjuvant chemotherapy
(d) Hormonal vs Chemotherapy
22. Regarding breast conservative therapy and issue of post operative local recurrence,
all are true except:
(a) Lumpectomy can be considered in any size provided the tumour can be excised
with clear margins and acceptable cosmetic results
(b) Margins should be clear for invasive cancer
(c) Margins should be clear for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
(d) Margins should be clear for lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
23. A 75 year old lady came with an incidentally diagnosed splenic artery aneurysm which
after radiological investigation confirmed to be calcified. She should be offered:
(a) Observation
(b) Embolisation
(c) Endovascular stenting
(d) Laparoscopic splenic artery ligation and splenectomy
24. Regarding choledochal cysts fol owing features are true except:
(a) Congenital cysts
(b) 60% are diagnosed before 10 years
(c) Older presentations have an acquired variant
(d) Increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma in older presentations
25. A 55 year old gentleman presented with history of right upper quadrant discomfort,
jaundice, pruritis, fever, fatigue and weight loss. His serum bilirubin and alkaline
phosphatase levels are raised and he also gives history of treatment for inflammatory
bowel disease. He is most likely to be suffering from:
(a) Benign bile duct stricture with cholangitis
(b) Biliary worms
(c) Bile duct malignancy
(d) Primary sclerosing cholangitis
26. Regarding carcinoma gall bladder following features are true except:
(a) One can have similar presentation with benign biliary disease
(b) Squamous cel carcinoma is 40% of all cases
(c) Most patients present with advanced disease
(d) Prognosis is poor
27. A 45 year old female presented with a cystic lesion in the lesser sac on CT scan.
Endoscopic ultrasound guided aspiration showed amylase to be 500 IU and
carcinoembryonic antigen as 500ng/ml. What was she suffering from?
(a) Pseudocyst pancreas with ductal communication
(b) Chronic pseudocyst
(c) Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
(d) Mucinous neoplasm of pancreas
28. During Pylorus preserving pancreatico-duodenectomy (PPPD) the following organs
are removed except:
(a) Distal Bile Duct
(b) Stomach
(c) Gall bladder
(d) Head of pancreas
29. In Crohn's disease all are true except:
(a) Can occur anywhere in GIT
(b) Fistula formation is common
(c) Crypt abscess are common
(d) Full thickness bowel involvement
30. Glasgow Coma Score Scale pertains to:
(a) Head injury only
(b) Head and cervical injury
(c) Chest injury
(d) Level of consciousness
31. Muscle relaxant ideal for rapid intubation and short procedures is:
(a) Vecuronium
(b) Atracurium
(c) Rocuronium
(d) Suxamethonium
32. A 22 year old male addicted to alcohol and abused with pan-masala-arecanut comes
to the clinic with limited mouth opening and restricted tongue movement. The clinical
suspicion will be of:
(a) Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis
(b) Sub-mucous fibrosis
(c) Leukoplakia
(d) Sideropenic dysphagia
33. A 56 year old male comes with history of claudication pain in both buttocks, thighs
and calves. He also gives history of impotence. The probable site of arterial occlusion is:
(a) Aortoiliac occlusion
(b) Iliac obstruction
(c) Proximal femoral artery occlusion
(d) Distal femoral artery occlusion
34. The earliest clinical sign of an impending burst abdomen is:
(a) Serous wound discharge
(b) Erythema of the wound
(c) Tachycardia and high grade fever
(d) Pus discharge from the wound
35. Most common neoplasm of thyroid gland is:
(a) Papillary carcinoma
(b) Squamous cell carcinoma
(c) Follicular carcinoma
(d) Hashimoto's disease
36. Which of the fol owing blood components has the shortest shelf life?
(a) Red Blood Cel s
(b) Platelets
(c) Fresh frozen plasma
(d) Cryoprecipitate
Consider the fol owing features:
1. Visible gastric peristalsis
2. Bilious vomiting
3. Palpable tumour
4. Melena
Which of these is/are feature/features of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 4
(d) 4 only
38. A 24 year old married lady presents with sudden onset right iliac fossa pain. On
examination she has marked pallor and is hypotensive. What is the most likely diagnosis?
(a) Appendicular perforation
(b) Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
(c) Twisted ovarian cyst
(d) Small bowel perforation
39. Which of the following layers is most important in intestinal anastamosis?
(a) Mucosa
(b) Submucosa
(c) Muscularis propria
(d) Serosa
40. The best cure rates for keloids are achieved by:
(a) Surgical excision
(b) Localised irradiation
(c) Intralesional injection of triamcinolone
(d) Intralesional excision followed by radiotherapy
41. A 30 year old G2P1L0 with history of anencephaly in previous pregnancy has a nuchal fold
thickness of 2.5 mm with other normal fetal parameters. She may be having:
(a) Trisomy 21
(b) Spina bifida
(c) Normal pregnancy
(d) Trisomy 18
42. A 26 year old primigravida presents with blood pressure of 160/110 mmHg, proteinurea
and congestive heart failure. Which drug is not useful in this situation?
(a) Methyl-dopa
(b) Labetalol
(c) Nifedipine
(d) Diuretics
43. A pregnant woman with 30 weeks gestation presents with BP 166/110 mmHg with
pulmonary edema with convulsions. The woman is given magnesium sulphate. The fol owing
drug should be avoided:
(a) Intravenous Labetalol
(b) Sublingual Nifedipine
(c) Intravenous Frusemide
(d) Intravenous Hydralazine
44. A woman undergoing treatment of infertility presents with triplet pregnancy. The most
probable drug given to her for treatment of infertility would have been:
(a) Clomiphene Citrate
(b) Inj HMG
(c) Inj hCG
(d) Inj GnRH analogue
45. A woman presents with abdominal pain and nausea with amenorrhea of 5-6 weeks.
Ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed if:
a) Serum progesterone > 25 ng/ml
b) Beta hCG 1000 IU/L with endometrial thickness of 14mm
c) Beta hCG > 2000 IU/L with no gestational sac in the uterus on transvaginal
d) Beta hCG >3000 IU/L with empty uterus on transvaginal sonography
46. A woman suffering from active tuberculosis not on ATT has a full term vaginal delivery. All
the fol owing should be done except:
(a) Breastfeed the neonate
(b) BCG should be given to the neonate
(c) Neonate should be given INH
(d) Neonate should be isolated from mother
47. A woman with post-term pregnancy with unripe cervix should not be induced with
misoprostol if she has:
(a) Asthma
(b) Diabetes
(c) Hepatitis B antigen positive
(d) Decompensated heart disease
48. An overweight, hirsuit woman of 30 years, with one live issue presented to the family
planning clinic for advice for contraception. The best suited oral contraceptive will contain the
(a) Norgestrel
(b) Noretisterone
(c) Cyproterone acetate
(d) Medroxyprogesterone acetate
49. Contraceptive options for a 28 year old woman who is breastfeeding a six week old baby,
wanting to avoid pregnancy for a longer interval are the fol owing except:
(b) IUD- 380A
(c) Implanon
(d) Combined oral contraceptives
50. A woman using combined oral contraceptive has the fol owing non contraceptive benefits
except: (a) Protection against PID
(b) Prevention of colorectal malignancy
(c) Protection against ovarian cancer
(d) Protection against cervical cancer
51. A 40 year old lady is examined and found to have uterovaginal prolapse. What is the
appropriate surgery to prevent recurrence?
(a) Abdominal hysterectomy with Moscowitz operation
(b) Vaginal hysterectomy with anterior and posterior colporrhaphy and McCall
(c) Vaginal hysterectomy with McCall culdoplasty
(d) Vaginal hysterectomy with sacrospinocolpopexy
52. Cervical mucus examination of a 22 year old infertile woman is done to look for all the
following except:
(a) Cellularity of mucus
(b) Presence of HPV
(c) Ferning
(d) Spinnbarkitt
53. In a 28 year old infertile woman with anovulation ,the following parameters will indicate
ovulation except:
(a) Insler score
(b) Vaginal smear
(c) Serum estradiol levels
(d) Urinary LH levels
54. Therapeutic options for a 30 year old woman suffering from severe pain due to
endometriosis are the following except:
(a) Mirena
(b) Oral contraceptives
(c) Letrozole
(d) Sildenafil
55. Waste disposal of placenta after delivery is done by
(a) Disposing it in blue bags
(b) Autoclaving
(c) Incineration
(d) Microwaving
56. Features of Janani Suraksha Yojana are the fol owing except:
(a) 100% Centrally sponsored scheme
(b) ASHA is a link between woman and Government
(c) Cash assistance is given to mothers for high and low performing states
(d) It promotes institutional deliveries
57. Ideal time to perform post partum sterilization as per Government of India guidelines is:
(a) From 12 hours to 7 days of delivery
(b) From 24 hours to 7 days of delivery
(c) From 48 hours to 7 days of delivery
(d) Within 7 days of delivery
58. Regimen for medical abortion upto 7 weeks of gestation as per Government of India
guidelines includes:
(a) 200 mg of misfepristone on D1 followed by 800 ?g of misoprostol on D3
(b) 200 mg of misfepristone on D1 followed by 400 ?g of misoprostol on D3
(c) 400 mg of misfepristone on D1 followed by 800 ?g of misoprostol on D3
(d) 400 mg of misfepristone on D1 followed by 400 ?g of misoprostol on D3
59. The most common sign of rupture of previous LSCS scar during labour is:
(a) Cessation of uterine contractions
(b) Non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
(c) Tenderness in lower abdomen
(d) Haemorrhagic shock
60. Serum CA-125 levels can be raised in all the following except:
(a) Epithelial ovarian cancer
(b) Endometriosis
(c) Tubercular ascitis
(d) Mature cystic teratoma of ovary
61. A 30 year old healthy woman presents with decreased bleeding during menstruation. The
cause could be al of the fol owing except:
(a) Endometriosis
(b) Tuberculosis
(c) Intrauterine adhesions
(d) Breastfeeding
62. For the treatment of a woman with frothy vaginal discharge with fishy smell the following
are essential except:
(a) Partner treatment
(b) Use of condom by partner
(c) Metronidazole
(d) Washing of private parts with antiseptics /disinfectants
63. During immediate puerperium,
(a) the number of white cel s decreases
(b) the number of white cells increases
(c) the number of eosinophils increases
(d) the number of lymphocytes increases
64. Which one of the fol owing is the best contraceptive for a newly married couple who
wants to postpone pregnancy for one year?
(a) Intrauterine contraceptive device
(b) Condom with spermicidal cream
(c) Safe period method
(d) Combined oral contraceptives
65. Which one of the fol owing is not a branch of internal iliac artery?
(a) Superior gluteal
(b) Inferior gluteal
(c) Uterine artery
(d) Ovarian artery
66. A 30 year old multiparous woman comes with an ultrasound report of fibroid uterus
measuring 3 x 3 cm. Her only complaint is mild pain during menstruation. The best
management in this would be:
(a) Hysterectomy
(b) Myomectomy
(c) Gn-RH analogues
(d) Reassurance
67. The most accurate method to diagnose adenomyosis is:
(a) MRI
(b) PET-CT
(c) Transvaginal sonography
(d) Hysterosalpingography
68. On ultrasonography low-lying placenta is labelled when implantation in the lower uterine
segment is such that:
(a) Placental edge does not reach the internal os and remains 2 cm wide perimeter
around the os
(b) Placental edge does not reach the internal os and remains 3 cm wide perimeter
around the os
(c) Placental edge does not reach the internal os and remains 4 cm wide perimeter
around the os
(d) Internal os is covered partially or fully by the placenta
69. Which one of the following cardiovascular parameters decreases during pregnancy?
(a) Arterial blood pressure
(b) Cardiac output
(c) Blood volume
(d) Red cel mass
70. A multipara with 8 gm% haemoglobin at 30 weeks' gestation should be treated by:
(a) Oral iron therapy
(b) Parenteral iron
(c) Whole blood transfusion
(d) Packed cel transfusion
71. The progress of labour can be monitored by observing the fol owing except:
(a) The intensity of uterine contractions by abdominal examination
(b) The descent of foetal head by abdominal examination
(c) The formation of caput by vaginal examination
(d) Gradual increase in cervical dilatation by vaginal examination
72. Prophylactic intravenous methergin should not be given in cases of:
(a) Multipara
(b) Hydramnios
(c) Heart disease complicating pregnancy
(d) Anaemia
73. During labour, which one of the foetal heart patterns is ominous?
(a) Variable deceleration
(b) Tachycardia
(c) Early deceleration
(d) Late deceleration
74. A case of ante-partum haemorrhage is seen at a Primary Health Centre. The treatment
will consist of:
(a) Assessment of general condition of the patient, intravenous drip and reference to
a hospital
(b) Vaginal examination and reference to a hospital only if diagnosed as placenta
(c) Packing the vagina to stop the bleeding and then reference to a hospital
(d) Internal podalic version and delivery
75. A 20 year old full term primigravida is admitted with full dilatation of the cervix and
breech presentation. Breech is not engaged. Foetal heart is normal. The proper procedure for
the management would be:
(a) Caesarean section
(b) Breech extraction
(c) Oxytocin drip augmentation
(d) To bring down the leg
76. Which one of the following factors is the most significant as a risk factor for post-partum
(a) Primiparity
(b) Undesired pregnancy
(c) Unmarried status
(d) History of post-partum psychosis
77. The main cause of perinatal mortality in `Frank breech presentation' is:
(a) Trauma to foetal viscera
(b) Foetal abnormalities
(c) Intracranial haemorrhage
(d) Prolapse of umbilical cord
78. A 45 year old woman presents with continuous vaginal bleeding for 15 days. Her
bleeding should be control ed by:
(a) Conjugated equine oestrogens
(b) Synthetic progestogens
(c) Testosterone propionate
(d) Curettage fol owed by progestogens
79. The treatment of primary spasmodic dysmenorrhoea in a young girl as a first measure
would be:
(a) Presacral neurectomy
(b) Analgesics and antispasmodics
(c) Oral contraceptives
(d) Dilatation and curettage
80. A 44 year old woman presents with polymenorrhoea for one year. Clinical examination
reveals bulky uterus with no other abnormality. D & C report is simple hyperplasia. What is
the treatment of choice?
(a) Progestogen therapy
(b) GnRH analogues
(c) Combined oral pills
(d) Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Consider the fol owing:
1. Health Education
2. Treatment of hypertension
3. Screening for cervical cancer
4. Changing lifestyles to prevent stress
Which are the examples of primordial prevention?
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 4
82. When the prevalence rate is used without any qualification, it is taken to mean as
(a) point prevalence rate
(b) period prevalence rate
(c) annual prevalence rate
(d) mean duration prevalence rate
83. An outbreak of viral hepatitis A was reported from a town between June and August of a
particular year. Of total cases, 60% occurred in July. Exposure of the community to infection is
(a) a common single source for a short period
(b) a common single source for a prolonged period
(c) multiple sources for a short period
(d) multiple sources for a prolonged period
Rheumatic Heart Disease can be prevented by:
(a) Screening of school going children
(b) Vaccination against Streptococcus
(c) Treatment of respiratory infections in children
(d) All of these
85. The addition of killed Bordetel a pertusis microorganisms to diphtheria toxoid enhances
the antibody response of the latter because of
(a) exotoxin of the Bordotel a organism
(b) additive action of the two antigens
(c) formation of local granuloma
(d) endotoxin of the Bordotel a organism
86. Post exposure prophylaxis against HIV infection should not be delayed beyond:
(a) 4 hours
(b) 8 hours
(c) 24 hours
(d) 48 hours
87. With reference to meningococcal meningitis, which one of the fol owing statements is not
(a) Fatality in untreated cases is 60%
(b) Disease spreads mainly by droplet infection
(c) Treatment of cases has no significant effect in epidemiological pattern of disease
(d) Mass chemoprophylaxis causes immediate drop in incidence rate of cases
Which of the following vaccines is/are contraindicated in pregnancy?
1. Rubella
2. Hepatitis-B
3. Diphtheria
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
89. In a case of paucibacillary leprosy, treatment is considered adequate if the patient has
received the six monthly doses of combined therapy within:
(a) 6 months
(b) 9 months
(c) 12 months
(d) 15 months
90. Chemoprophylaxis is indicated in the following conditions except:
(a) Cholera
(b) Meningococcal meningitis
(c) Plague
(d) Typhoid
91. Chandler's index is used in the epidemiological studies of
(a) Ascariasis
(b) Hookworm infection
(c) Taenia solium infection
(d) Guineaworm disease
Consider the fol owing diseases:
1. Measles
2. Polio
3. Staphylococcal food poisoning
4. Typhoid
Which of the above are the correct examples for incubation period of 10-14 days?
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 4
(d) 3 and 4
93. Which of the following is the most common malignant tumour in adult males in India?
(a) Lung cancer
(b) Oro-pharyngeal carcinoma
(c) Gastric carcinoma
(d) Colo-rectal carcinoma
94. Eight months old child had history of unusual crying and convulsions following previous
vaccination after BCG, DPT & OPV ( first dose), and Hepatitis B. Now parents have brought
child for next doses of vaccination. Which vaccine is contraindicated in this situation?
(a) Measles
(b) DPT
(c) Hepatitis B
(d) DT
95. The clinical features of Turner Syndrome in girls include the following except:
Severe mental retardation
Webbing of the neck
Delayed puberty
Short stature
96. Occupational exposure to Benzol may lead to :
(a) Lung cancer
(b) Leukaemia
(c) COPD
(d) Neurofibromas
97. Marriage between two heterozygous individuals for the same disorder is prevented by:
(a) Retrospective genetic counsel ing
(b) Prospective genetic counsel ing
(c) Legislation
(d) Mass health education
98. The benefits of ESI Act include the fol owing except:
(a) Medical benefit
(b) Rehabilitation allowance
(c) Sickness benefit
(d) Nutritional allowance
99. The following are the group health education approaches except:
(a) Lecture
(b) Demonstration
(c) Role play
(d) Documentary
100. Current WHO recommendations for initiating Antiretroviral treatment (ART) in
HIV +ve individuals is:
(a) CD4 cells less than 200 cells/mm3
(b) CD4 cells less than 250 cells/mm3
(c) CD4 cells less than 300 cells/mm3
(d) CD4 cells less than or equal to 350 cells/mm3
101. The following are the principles of Primary Health Care except:
(a) Intersectoral coordination
(b) Provision of specialist services at Primary Health Centres
(c) Appropriate technology
(d) Equitable distribution of health care
102. Which one of the fol owing is a quantitative method of health management?
(a) Cost effectiveness analysis
(b) Human Resource Management
(c) Communication management
(d) Supportive supervision and leadership
103. Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) are important causes of under-five mortality in India.
In remote areas, children develop frequent episodes of ARI. What measures will you take for
prevention and control of ARI amongst under-five children in that area?
(a) Case management and Health education to mothers
(b) Vaccination
(c) Controlling malnutrition, Promoting breast feeding and vitamin A supplementation
(d) All of these
104. The following are objectives of Indian Public Health Standards for Primary Health
Centres except:
(a) Provision of comprehensive primary health care
(b) Achievement of an acceptable quality of health care
(c) Provision of accident and emergency care
(d) Making services more responsive to the needs of the community
105. A pregnant woman in third trimester having fever was diagnosed as a case of Falciparum
malaria. Under the National Health Programme, which drug is recommended?
(a) ACT only
(b) ACT accompanied by single dose of Primaquine on day 2
(c) Only Quinine
(d) Chloroquine
Which of the fol owing genetic disorders leads to mental retardation?
(a) Haemophilia
(b) Phenylketonuria
(c) Cystic fibrosis
(d) Sickle cell anaemia
107. Biomedical waste from a yellow plastic bag is disposed by:
(a) Autoclaving
(b) Microwaving
(c) Incineration
(d) Chemical treatment
108. Which of the following is not a feature of heat stress?
(a) Hyperpyrexia
(b) Syncope
(c) Cramps
(d) Numbness
109. The denominator for calculating proportional mortality rate from a specific disease is:
(a) Mid-year population during that year
(b) Population at risk in that particular area
(c) Total deaths in that year
(d) Attributable deaths of a particular disease
110. Which one of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
(a) Mean
(b) Range
(c) Mean deviation
(d) Standard deviation
111. Analytical studies include the fol owing methods of studies except:
(a) Case control studies
(b) Randomised controlled trials
(c) Cohort studies
(d) Cross sectional studies
112. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Gestational diabetes can lead to Type-I diabetes after delivery.
(b) Gestational diabetes is always transient and cured after delivery.
(c) Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for diabetes in children born to mothers with GDM.
(d) Screening for gestational diabetes should be included in antenatal care.
113. Cu-T-380 A IUCD should be replaced in:
(a) 4 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 8 years
(d) 10 years
Consider the fol owing:
1. Coconut oil
2. Groundnut oil
3. Mustard oil
Which of the above is/are dietary sources of linoleic acid?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 only
(d) 2 and 3 only
115. A 20 year old male is diagnosed as a case of dengue fever at a Primary Health Centre.
What are the suitable measures to be taken for the prevention and control of dengue in that
(a) Case management for DF and DHF and vaccination
(b) Case management for DF and DHF, isolation and individual protection from
(c) Case management for DF and DHF, isolation and individual protection from
mosquitoes and vaccination
(d) Case management for DF and DHF, isolation and individual protection from
mosquitoes and environmental measures for elimination of breeding places
116. WHO defines a multi-drug resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis strain as one that is:
(a) At least resistant to INH
(b) At least resistant to Rifampicin
(c) Resistant to INH and Rifampicin with or without resistant to other anti TB drugs
(d) Resistant to Streptomycin only
Which of the fol owing are the characteristic features of screening tests?
1. Done on healthy people
2. Done on unhealthy people
3. More accurate
4. Less accurate
5. Less expensive
6. More expensive
7. Not a basis for treatment
8. Used as a base for treatment
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 2, 4, 5 and 8
(b) 1, 3, 5 and 8
(c) 2, 3, 6 and 7
(d) 1, 4, 5 and 7
118. Which National Programe came into existence during 11th Five Year Plan?
(a) National Cancer control programme
(b) National Cardiovascular diseases & Stroke control programme
(c) National Diabetes and Cancer control programme
(d) National Programme for prevention and control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular
diseases and Stroke
Which states are qualified as high prevalence states in the context of HIV/AIDS?
(a) When prevalence in high risk groups is more than 5%, and less than 1% in antenatal
(b) When prevalence in high risk groups is more than 5%, and 1% or more in antenatal
(c) When prevalence in high risk groups is less than 5%, and more than 1% in antenatal
(d) None of these
Consider the following diseases:
1. Yel ow fever
2. Q fever
3. Chikungunya fever
4. Relapsing fever
5. Japanese encephalitis
6. Sleeping sickness
Which of the above are transmitted by mosquitoes?
(a) 1, 2, 3, and 6
(b) 2, 3 and 5
(c) 4, 5 and 6
(d) 1, 3 and 5
This post was last modified on 02 August 2021