Download KUHS First Year 2019 Scheme 2024 August 111001 Human Anatomy Paper I Question Paper

Download KUHS First Year (1st Year) 2019 Scheme 2024 August 111001 Human Anatomy Paper I Previous Question Paper

2019 Scheme
Q.P. Code: 111001
Reg. no.: .....................
First Professional MBBS Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations
July 2024
Human Anatomy Paper I
Upper Limb, Head & Neck, Neuroanatomy including General Embryology, General Histology
and Genetics
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly ? Do not leave any blank pages between answers
Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
Answer all parts of a single question together ? Leave sufficient space between answers
Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
1. Multiple Choice Questions
The Answers to MCQ questions (Q.No. i to Q.No. xx) shall be written continuously on the
first two writing sheets (ie Page No. 3 & 4) only
Questions (i-v) are single response type questions

i. The ovum is surrounded by a non-cellular layer known as the:
a) Corona radiata
b) Theca folliculi
c) Zona pellucida
d) Cumulus oophorus
ii. Which of the following is an example of a cartilaginous joint
a) Humeroulnar joint
b) Intervertebral disc joint
c) Cranial sutural joint
d) Tibiotalar joint
iii. The chemical used as a preservative in embalming fluid is:
a) Formaldehyde
b) Nitric acid
c) Glycerin
d) Thymol
iv. At the caudal end of the primitive streak, ectoderm and endoderm meet at the:
a) Coelom
b) Cloacal membrane
c) Neural groove
d) Notochord
v. Transection of the lateral spinothalamic tract results in:
a) Loss of pain and temperature sensation
b) Complete flaccid paralysis
c) Spastic paresis
d) Cerebellar incoordination
Question (vi-x) are case scenario-based questions:
An 8-year-old boy gives history of chronic middle ear infection. During his recent episode infection
spread to the mastoid antrum and the mastoid air cells.
vi. If left untreated, the infection can erode the thin layer of the bone between the mastoid air cells
and the posterior cranial fossa and spread into which of the following sinuses
a) Superior sagittal sinus
b) Inferior sagittal sinus
c) Cavernous sinus
d) Sigmoid sinus
vii. Chronic middle ear infections have produced a lesion in the tympanic plexus in the middle ear
cavity which will result in
a) Diminished mucus in the nasal cavity
b) Diminished mucus on the soft palate
c) Diminished saliva production by the parotid gland
d) Diminished saliva production by the submandibular and sublingual glands

viii. The tubotympanic recess, which forms the middle ear cavity develops from
a) 1st and 2nd pharyngeal pouches
b) 1st pharyngeal pouch
c) 1st pharyngeal arch
d) 3rd pharyngeal pouch
ix. The nerve closely associated with the tympanic membrane is
a) Chorda tympani
b) Lesser petrosal
c) Vestibulocochlear
d) Facial
x. The pyramid gives attachment to
a) Stapedius
b) Tensor tympani
c) Anterior ligament of malleus
d) Short process of incus
Question numbers (xi-xv) consists of two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions by selecting the appropriate options given below
xi. (A): The inferior parathyroid is derived from a more rostral pharyngeal pouch than the superior
(R): The third pharyngeal pouch contributes to the development of the thyroid gland.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the reason for A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the reason for A
c) A is correct but R is incorrect
d) A is incorrect but R is correct
xii. (A): Skeletal muscle fibers are long cylindrical and multinucleated.
(R): Each fiber is formed by the fusion of many myoblasts.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the reason for A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the reason for A
c) A is correct but R is incorrect
d) A is incorrect but R is correct
xiii. (A): The axillary vein can freely expand during increased venous return
(R): There is no or very thin axillary sheath around the axillary vein.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the reason for A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the reason for A
c) A is correct but R is incorrect
d) A is incorrect but R is correct
xiv.(A): Dissection of lymph nodes near the subscapular artery may result in paralysis of the
latissimus dorsi muscle.
(R): The lower subscapular nerve supplies the latissimus dorsi muscle.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the reason for A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the reason for A
c) A is correct but R is incorrect
d) A is incorrect but R is correct
xv. (A): Cerebrospinal fluid is produced in the lateral ventricles of the brain.
(R): The choroid plexus is situated only in the lateral ventricles.
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the reason for A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the reason for A
c) A is correct but R is incorrect
d) A is incorrect but R is correct

Question numbers (xvi-xx) are multiple response type questions. Read the statements and
mark the answers appropriately.
xvi. Origin from neural crest:
i. Schwann cells
ii. Neural tube
iii. Melanoblasts
iv. Suprarenal medulla
a) i, ii, iii
b) i, iii, iv
c) i, ii, iv
d) ii, iii
xvii. The nucleus tractus solitarius is concerned with the following cranial nerves
i. Facial
ii. Vestibulo-cochlear
iii. Glossopharyngeal
iv. Vagus
a) i, ii, iii
b) i, iii, iv
c) i, ii, iv
d) ii, iii
xviii. Regarding the microscopic structure of lymph node
i. Cortex, paracortex and medulla can be recognised
ii. An eccentric arteriole is present within the lymphatic nodules
iii. A subcapsular sinus can be recognised
iv. Malpighian corpuscles can be recognised
a) i, ii, iii
b) i, iii
c) i, ii, iv
d) ii, iii
xix. In the arm
i. Brachialis may be partly innervated by the radial nerve
ii. The radial nerve pierces the lateral intermuscular septum above the origin of
iii. The ulnar nerve pierces the medial intermuscular septum below the insertion of
iv. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm is given off by the radial nerve in the spiral groove
a) i, ii, iii
b) i, iii, iv
c) i, ii, iv
d) ii, iii
xx. Stratified squamous nonkeratinised epithelium is found in
i. Cornea
ii. Epiglottis
iii. Vasdeferens
iv. Vocal cords
a) i, ii, iii
b) i, ii
c) i, iv
d) i, ii, iv

Long essays

2. A 10-year-old girl underwent bilateral tonsillectomy for chronic tonsillitis. On examination, prior to
discharge, the surgeon noted an absence of touch sensation on the posterior of the tongue
along with an absent gag reflex. Based on your knowledge of anatomy answer the following
a) Name the nerve damaged during the surgery
b) What are the external features on the posterior of tongue
c) Correlate the development of the tongue to its nerve supply
d) Briefly describe the histology of the tonsil
3. Describe the mammary gland under the following headings: extent, deep relations, gross
structure, arterial supply and lymphatics.

Short Essays:

4. Classify white matter of the brain with an example of each. Describe the white matter bundle
seen in the median longitudinal cerebral fissure
5. Illustrate and describe the microscopic anatomy of the large artery and medium-sized artery
highlighting how their structure is suited for their function
6. Describe the process of neurulation. Name the vesicles in the cranial expanded part of the neural
tube and mention their fate.
7. Describe the structure of chromosomes with classification. Explain any three structural anomalies
of chromosomes
8. Describe the process of implantation and common abnormal sites of implantation (3+3)
9. Name the layers of the scalp. Why do scalp wounds bleed profusely. Which layer is considered
the dangerous layer and why
Short Notes
10. Classify synovial joints with an example for each
11. Explain autosomal dominant inheritance in genetic diseases
12. Explain the surgical importance of thyroid gland
13. Explain the anatomical basis of carpal tunnel syndrome
14. Reflect on how to honor and extend gratitude to the cadaver as a Phase 1MBBS student
15. Draw a neat labelled diagram of medulla oblongata at the level of sensory decussation

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