Download JNTUA MBA R17 2019 Jan 1st Sem 17E00106 Management Information Systems Question Paper

Download JNTU Anantapur (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapuramu) MBA R17 2019 January First Semester (1st Semester) Regular & Supplementary Examinations 17E00106 Management Information Systems Question Paper.

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Code: 17E00106

MBA & MBA (Finance) I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations December/January 2018/19
(For students admitted in 2017 & 2018 only)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
(Answer the following: (05 X 10 = 50 Marks)
1 What are characteristics of MIS? Explain in detail types of MIS system.
2 Explain how information system impacts on organizations and business firms.

3 How DBMS is superior to conventional file processing system? List out the salient features of
4 Explain the term ?data mining?. Describe various data mining techniques.

5 What are the steps involved in the decision making process.
6 Give short notes on: (i) CRM. (ii) SCM. (iii) DSS.

7 How the software engineering qualities can be assured in real life?
8 Define project. Explain the different types of project.

9 Discuss the various types of information system.
10 Give the classifications of IS security technologies.

(Compulsory question, 01 X 10 = 10 Marks)
11 Case Study:
General electric?s research and development center has developed a natural language
system called SCISOR (System for conceptual information summarization, organization, and
retrieval) that performs text analysis and question-answering in a limited, predefined subject area
(called a constrained domain). One application of this system deals with analyzing financial
news. For example, SCISOR automatically selects and analyzes stories about corporate
mergers and acquisitions from the online financial service of Dow Jones. It is able to process
news in less than 10 seconds per story. First, it determines whether the story is about a
corporate merger or acquisition. Then, it selects information such as the target, suitor, and price
per share. The system allows the user to browse and ask questions such as, ?What price was
offered for Polaroid? or ?How much was Bruck plastics sold for?
The system?s effectiveness was demonstrated in testing, when it proved to be 100 percent
accurate in identifying all 31 mergers and acquisitions stories that were included in a universe of
731 financial news releases from the newswire service.
A similar application is a web-based personalized news system that was developed in Singapore
to track business news available in English, Chinese, and Malay, summarize it, and extract
desired personalized news in any of these languages.
(a) What are the benefits of analyzing financial news via a machine?
(b) What other applications might be developed with this type of system?
(c) How could such a system be combined with an internet news dissemination portal
such as
(d) Discuss the reliability factor of such a system.
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 03 January 2020