Download OU B.Pharma 1st Year 2020 January 13240NON CBCS Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) B.Pharma 1st Year (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2020 January 13240NON CBCS Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Previous Question Paper

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Code No. 13240/Non-CBCS
B. Pharmacy I-Year (Non CBCS) (Backlog) Examination, July/August 2019
Subject : Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer All questions, All Questions carry equal marks.
1 a) What are Limit Tests? Write the significance of Limit Tests. (4)
b) Mention the classification of Inorganic Pharmaceuticals based on their
applications with examples. (10)
2 a) Mention the principle, procedure and apparatus involved in the Limit Test for
Arsenic with a neat labeled diagram. (9)
b) Give two characteristic tests for any two cations with chemical reactions. (5)
3 a) What are Electrolyte Replenishers? Explain the importance of sodium in the
Replacement therapy. (4)
b) Write the method of preparation, properties, assay and uses of Aluminum
Hydroxide gel and calcium glucon ate. (5+5)
4 a) Mention the preparation, properties, limit tests and uses of Magnesium
Sulphate and Potassium Chloride. (4+4)
b) What are Dialysis fluids? Write a note on Haemodialysis fluids. (6)
5 a) What are antioxidants? Write the preparation properties and uses of sodium
sulphite. (5)
b) Give a note on Bentonite and Silica gel. (4+5)
6 Mention the method of preparation, properties assay and uses of following
(i) Magnesium stearate (ii) Aluminum sulphate (iii) Zinc Chloride. (4+5+5)
7 a) What are Expectorants? Write the preparation properties, assay and uses
of Ammonium Chloride and Potassium Iodide. (1+4+4)
b) Write a note on Inhalants. (5)
8 Give the preparation, properties, limit tests and uses of:
(i) Copper sulphate (ii) Sodium thiosulphate (iii) Sodium nitrite (5+5+4)
9 a) What are Dentifrices? Write the preparation, properties and uses of
calcium carbonate and Zinc oxide. (1+3+3)
b) Give a note on Activated Dimethicone and Plaster of Paris. (4+4)
10 Give the preparation, properties, assay and uses of
(i) Potassium Permanganate (ii) Iodine (iii) Barium Sulphate (5+5+4)

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