Download GTU B.Tech 2020 Winter 5th Sem 3152611 Toxicity And Safe Handling Of Rubber Chemicals Question Paper

Download GTU (Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad) B.Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology/ Bachelor of Engineering) 2020 Winter 5th Sem 3152611 Toxicity And Safe Handling Of Rubber Chemicals Previous Question Paper

Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:3152611 Date:22/01/2021
Subject Name:Toxicity and Safe Handling of Rubber Chemicals
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks: 56
1. Attempt any FOUR questions out of EIGHT questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q. 1
Write the significance of risk phrases.

List the basic principles of occupational hygiene.

Mention the EU (European union) classification of health effects with their (07)
property and symbol.

Q. 2
Define the term: (i) Carcinogenicity (ii) Mutagenicity (iii) Toxic to (03)

Draw any two hazards symbol with their identification.

List the safety precaution in rubber mixing mill. Explain it.

Q. 3
Give the major causes of occurring bladder cancer in rubber industries.

How carbon black is hazards on human health? What are causes of carbon (04)

Discuss about systematic approach to control dust and fumes in rubber (07)

Q. 4
What are the PAHs? Name the rubber chemicals in which it is found.

Short Note on first aid & medical facilities used for handling of rubber (04)

Describe in detail about the Federal Regulation of Occupational Health and (07)
safety in workplace.

Q. 5
What is a toxic compound?

Mention the general groups which can be classified according to systemic (04)
toxic effects.

Define the term Dermatitis. Discuss in detail about it

Q. 6
Difference between Acute toxicity & chronic toxicity.

List the different factors that can determine toxicity.

Discuss in detail about the importance of handling rubber chemicals for skin (07)
protection and protective clothing.

Q. 7
Give the preventive measures for occurring musculoskeletal problems in (03)
workers of tyre industry.

Mention any four rubber chemicals with their hazardous effect and safety (04)

Write a brief note on importance of storage & disposal for rubber chemicals. (07)

Q. 8
Define the term: visible fumes. Write its significance.

List the causes and remedies of natural rubber latex allergies.

Write about the code of practice prepared by the British Rubber (07)
Manufacturers' Association (BRMA).

This post was last modified on 04 March 2021