Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2nd Year 1st Semester (Third Semester) (2-1) 3077 Data Structures Previous Question Paper
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3.. Explain?aw?fegra?n?t ?aelhm?mphll?m l .T
? What ar?m??qs gr binary march?
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E. ?a?a?F?m??p and ma?xhaap with examples.
PA?T ? B [4 1': 15 = an Marta]:
{Essay Answer Type}
Nata: Anamr ALL questions.
9- {a} De?na ADT f?rfha ?Intage?' and explain a? Its functions and axioms in W
[DJ Write ac++ prngram m_fmpf?m?nt'ma f?ll?wlng G??f??tiuns c-n Arrays.
?} Tu insert an element at a giyan poai?an
{ii} To'daleta an element'at a gwan paslttnn
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wi 'Ii'th'a tepreeehtatiun-uf sIaI-III ?hing a linked list.
:?ieinthe aperatiene ef insetting a nude. deleting a nude. and trevereel in a
??iular linked list with examples
Ii?e. the 'elgerititm fer the eartetruetiun et Expreeeien Tree. Explain the stepe te
Igemtt'uct en expieeeinn. tree for the. expressien
I E= {a + t: i: e} I' d
[??plain the tapreeeritetien at graphs using the edjaeenEy tne??: adjaceney list
and Iedjeee?ey rnultI-iiet. .
rt. Shaw the steae-gjf theI ineertien. ellgerlthm
; a G++ program fer insertien 5e
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This post was last modified on 06 February 2020