Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 1st Year 2nd Semester (2nd Semester) (1-2) 3038 Computer Science_Prog in C++ Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. u.SemmeFr?g?ggj?auon, May I June 2019
sul?je?? : Computer Saence
Paper ~ in ; progmmming in C? Max. Marks: so
PART _ A (5 x 4 = 20 Marks}
(Short A swer TH?)
Note : Answer any FIVEnof the following qu?Sti?ns'
Expiain iniine function with a program m
rite down the applications of GOP ,{m??m
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4 hat is the need for private me 7 '
5 Statethe rules associated with writfagff?nfsctgz?:
6 Explain the different types of stream classes in C++-
7 hat is a template? Write the syntax of a temp'ate-
8 hat iS an Exception? List out buiit-in-except?ns-
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PART ? B (4 ytfstwa'ksl
Kh- (Essay s? r ype)
? Note: Answer AL ?.f|' the questions.
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10 (a) What is a mnst?gqp Expiain about copy constructor with example program,
' OR
(b) Explaingnstan?e and static members of a class with proper examples_
11 (a) Whatiis peiilmorphism? Explain different types 0f DO'Ymomhism with examples.
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(b) Whatgre streams? Explain different formatted and unfgrmatted l/o Operations,
12 (3) Explain about catching muitipie excep?ions with suitable program,
is functibr?i?i?empi?ate? Write a C++ program to swap two numbers using
?n ?
nation template-
This post was last modified on 06 February 2020