Download MBBS First Year Physiology Paper II MCQs 2022 Question Paper

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) First Year Physiology Paper II MCQs 2022 Question Paper

[MBBS 0222] FEBRUARY 2022 Sub.Code : 6054


(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)




Q.P. Code: 526054

Time: 30 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks

Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)

1. Which of the following is inhibitory to vaso motor area,

A. Pain pathways
B. Baro receptors
C. Chemo receptors

All of the above

2. Sympathetic stimulation of heart causes all except,

A. Increased refractory period
B. Decreased refractory period
C. Positive chronotropism

Positive ionotropism

3. Last ditch stand is

A. Brain bridge reflex
B. Mary's reflex
C. CNS ischaemic response

Triple response

4. 3rd heart sound is due to

A. Closure of semilunar valves
B. Rapid filling of ventricles
C. Atrio-ventricular valves closure

Atrial systole

5. The following antibody is found in lungs,

A. IgD
B. IgA
C. IgM


6. Vagal stimulation causes increase in,

A. Heart rate
B. R-R interval in ECG
C. Cardiac output

Force of contraction

7. Flow in small airways is laminar because,

A. Reynolds number in small airways is more than 2000
B. Cross-sectional area in small airways is small
C. The diameter of these airways is small

The linear velocity of airflow in small air ways is extremely low

8. Stability of alveoli is maintained by,

A. Residual air
B. Increased surface areaby surfactant
C. Negative intra pleural pressure

Lung compliance

9. Apex of the lung are predisposed to tuberculosis because the alveolar air there has ,

A. Increased PCO2
B. Increased PO2
C. Decreased PCO2

Deceased PO2

10. In bends disease the gas responsible for the pathological effects is,

A. O2
B. CO2
C. Helium


11. The chemical responsible for causing more pain following a tissue damage is,

A. Opioids
B. Ischaemia
C. Bradykinin

Substance P

12. Parkinson's disease is characterised by the following triad,

A. Hypokinesia, rigidity, tremors
B. Rigidity , tremors, nystagmus
C. Flaccidity, intentional tremors , ataxia

Rigidity, hypokinesia , dysarthria

13. Hunger centre is ,

A. Ventro-medial nucleus of thalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamic nucleus
C. Anterior hypothalamic nucleus

posterior hypothalamic nucleus

14. If the patient survives stage of spinal shock, the following activity is regained first,

A. Skeletal muscle activity
B. Smooth muscle activity
C. Sympathetic tone

Reflex activity

15. CSF pressure is

A. 120-180 mm of water
B. 120-180 mm of Hg
C. 80-100 mm of water

80-100 mm of Hg

16. All of the following are features of LMN lesion except,

A. Flaccid paralysis
B. Exaggerated deep reflexes
C. Babinski's sign negative

Muscle wasting

17. Refractive index of cornea is,

A. 1.37
B. 1.33
C. 1.42


18. Helicotrema is a communication between,

A. Cochlea and semi-circular canal
B. Vestibule and semi-circular canal
C. Scala vestibuli and scala tympani

Scala media and cochlea

19. The Refractive error which occurs in elderly people is

A. Myopia.
B. Astigmatism.
C. Hypermetropia.


20. The receptors for hearing is

A. Ear ossicles.
B. Saccule .
C. Utricle.

Haircells in cochlea.


This post was last modified on 07 March 2022