Download MBBS Final Year Surgery Case Presentation Solitary Nodule Thyroid Clinical Examination Discussion and Treatment

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) Surgery Final Year Case Presentation Solitary Nodule Thyroid Clinical Examination Discussion and Treatment

34 Year old lady , Mrs Saridha , House maid , coming
from Mugappair belongs to low socio economic class
C/O :
Swelling in the front of neck for 3 month
H/O Presenting illness
The patient was apparently normal 3 month
ago after which she developed a swelling in front of
the neck

which was insidious in onset , initially smaller in size .
Gradually progressive attain a current size
No H/O pain
No H/O sudden increase in size
No H/O breathlessness , difficulty in swallowing
, hoarseness of voice
No H/O Syncopal attacks
No H/O Indrawing of eyeball
No H/O ipsilateral loss of sweating

No H/O excessive sweating
No H/O loss of weight / weight gain
No H/O diarrhea / Constipation
No H/O oligomenorrhea/ menorrhagia
No H/O heat / cold intolerance
No H/O diplopia
No H/O tremor , Insomnia ,
No H/O Chest pain, Pedal edema , palpitations ,
NO H/O jaundice , bone pain , cough with hemoptysis
No H/O swelling elsewhere in the body

No H/O similar complaints in the past
No H/O previous surgery
No H/O DM , HT , TB , Asthma , Epilepsy , Jaundice ,
No H/O irradiation
Consumes mixed diet
No H/O excessive iodine intake
No H/O excessive consumption of brassica group of
Normal bowel and bladder habbits
Not a smoker / alcoholic
No H/O allergic to food & drugs

Age at menarche : 15 years , regular cycle 3/30 , no
LMP : 21 nov 2017
no pads soaking for a day : 2
No relevant family history

The patient is conscious , oriented , well built &
No pallor / icterus / cyanosis / no clubbing / no pedal
edema / generalised lymphadenopathy
No eye signs
no tremor
skin normal
No signs of hyper/hypothyroidsm

Vital signs
Pulse : 74/min , normal in rhythm , volume , no
specific character , no radio radial / radio femoral
delay , all peripheral pulse felt
Blood pressure : 110/70 mmHg measured in right
arm in sitting position
Respiratory rate : 16/min , thoraco abdominal type
Temperature : Afebrile

Examination of Thyroid region
After getting consent from the patient , explaining the
procedure , the patient was examined in sitting position
under bright light
A single swelling of size 4 * 4 cm , hemispherical in
shape present in the front of neck region of thyroid
extending from 3cm below from thyroid cartilage , 2cm
above from sternal end of clavicle , medically upto midline
, laterally along anterior border of sternoclenomastoid
muscle on right side
smooth surface
skin over the swellling normal
swelling moves with deglutination, does not
moves with protrusion of tongue

lower border is seen
trachea appears to be midline
no scars / sinus / visible pulsation / dilated
vein / no visible node enlargement

After asking the patient to slighty flex the neck ,
palpation is done standing behind the patient & then
from front
not warmth / non tender
inspectory finding of site , size , shape , extent
? confirmed
margins well defined
smooth surface , skin over swelling normal
firm in consistency , which is mobile
skin pinchable
plane of swelling deep to deep cervical facia
lower border is palpable

caratoid pulsation felt equally on both sides
Trachea is in midline
kocher's test ? no stridor
no palpable thrill
normal resonant over sternum
no bruit heard
Examination of lymph node :
No nodes are palpable

RS : Normal vesicular breath sounds heard , no
added sounds
CVS : S1 , S 2 heard , no murmur
Abdomen : soft , non tender , no organomegaly
CNS : no focal neurological deficit
Spine & Cranium : Normal
Diagnosis :
Non toxic Solitary nodule of thyroid involving
the right side in euthyroid state with no pressure

Investigation :
Routine investigation
complete hemogram : TC /DC/ ESR / Hb /
Blood grouping and typing
Blood sugar , urea , creatinine , serum
Urine sugar , albumin
X ray chest - PA view

Specific investigations
USG ? neck
Thyroid function test ? Free T3 ,Free T4 ,TSH
Fine needle aspiration cytology
X ray neck ? PA / Lateral view
CT neck
Radio-iodine uptake study
Hemithyroidectomy of right lobe

This post was last modified on 08 August 2021