Download SGBAU B-Tech 3rd Sem Chemical Engineering Process Instrumentation Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 3rd Sem Chemical Engineering Process Instrumentation Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. Third Semester (Chemical Engineering) (C?GS)
10984 : Process Instrumentation : 3 CH 02
P'Pag? 3 muumm'lmum ?'29?
Time : Three Hours .. o o '7 1?. Max. Marks : 80
Notes : I Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
2. Due credit will be given to neamess and adequate dimcnsiuns.
3 Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
4. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
5 Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for w?ting the answer book.
l. a) Discuss the selection criteria {or measuring Instruments.
b) De?ne accuracy of an instruments and discuss various ways ofcxprcssing accuracy.
2. a) W hat is calibration of an Instrument? Explain in detail the process with suitable example.
b) Discuss the various functional elements of the generalized instrumentation system.
3. a) What are the desirable properties of Industrial thermocouple? Explain in detail.
b) Explain principle. construction and working of pressure spring thermometer.
4. :1) Explain principle, construction & working of Radiation pyromcter.
b) Describe liquid expansion thermometers in detail.
5. 8) Discuss in detail the desirable properties of manometric liquid.
b) Explain .bcllows pressure gauge with neat diagram.
6. a) State Relation between:
:1) Absolute pressure & gauge pressure
b) Gauge pressure & Vacuum.
b) Discuss in detail various performance characteristics of pressure gauges.
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7. a) Explain i1 detail m'th neal sketch; Ifltrasonic ?n? meter.
b) Describe the principle. consn'm lion and \w-rking of Piston type ?ow meter.
8. a) Explain in detail principle. construction and working of Rotamcter with its applications.
b) Why square root compensation is essential in head ?ow meters.
9. a) When will you empIO) differential pressure method for level measurement? Describe its
b) Describe various methods 01? la cl mcasurrmem for corrosive liquid.
10. a) Describe rotary level method and vibrating lcvcl indicator.
b) Dcscribv radioactive method for lcvcl measurement.
II. a) Write sf ort note on Humidity sensor.
b) Explain combinmion clectrndc for pH Heusurcmcnl.
12. a) Discuss in detail various applications ofpll mcaxuremenls.
b) Discuss in dclail important propcnies ofhumidity sensor for better performance.
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020