Download SGBAU B-Tech 6th Sem Chemical Engineering Computer Programming n Applications Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 6th Sem Chemical Engineering Computer Programming n Applications Previous Question Paper

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B.Tech. Sixth Semester (Chemical Engineering) (CGS)
10165 : Computer Programming & Applications : 6 CH 03/ 6 PP 03
P. Pages: 2 lllli?lllf?lllllllml? AW - 3248
Time : Three Hours .. o 7 3 2 L Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. Answer Three question From Section "A" and Three question from Section "B".
2. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for vm'ting the answer book.
1. a) Solvc thc following equation using Runge-Kutta second order and forth order fomtula. IO
d ' . t . .
d) = y , x. y(()) =2 Fmd y (0.1) & y (0.2) correct to tour dccunal places wuh h = 0.]
x .
b) Given dy/dx = l + xy. 4
y (0) ? I. obtain the Taylor series for y (x) and compute y (0.1) correct to four decimal
2 ' . . . . . . . . 8
a) Solve 3?}? : xzy usmg Euler's predictor corrector method With the mlttal condition
y (0) =1, [ind y (0.5) using a step size ofh = 0.1
b) Derive Euler?s predictor and corrector formula Also give difference between them. 6
3.? a) Solve the following set ofthrec linear equation in three variables using the Guass- 7
elimination method.
3x1+ x2 ? 2243 = 9
?Xl +4X2 ?3X3 = '8
x] -? x2 + 4x3 =1
b) Find the inverse of the matrix 6
A = I ?l I
1 -2 4
l 2 2
4. A liquid - liquid extraction process conducted in the Electrochemical material laboratory 13
involved the extraction of Nickel from. aqueous phase into an organic phase. A set of
experimental data is given bellow.
Ni - aq. Phase, X(g / 6) - 2 2.5 3
Ni - organic phase. Y(g / e)" ? 8.57 10 12
The Quadratic interpretation that estimate Y is given by Y =alx2 + azx + 213 25x3 3.
The solution for constant 21' , a2 , a3 , is given by
4 2 1 a, 8.57 Find the value of a1,
6.25 2.5 l :12 = 10 32 , a3 , by Guass.
9 3 1 a; 12 Elimination method.
Estimate the value at Y at x = 2.39 g/E
AW - 3248 1 P.T.O

5 a)
6. a.)
7 a)
8. a)
10 a)
12. a)
AW ? 3248
Find thr real root of the equation correct to three decimal places and between 0 and 0.5 for
equation 4e"" sin x ?l Using Regula Falsi method.
Compuxc a real root from:
f(x) = x3 ? 3x A- 5 : 0 ux?ing Ihc Methcd 0f Falsc Position.
Use Ne Mon Raphson method to obtain 9. root correct to thrce decimal places of following
equation. sin x = l?x
Use the method of false Position. 10 ?nd nut mot ofequation cos x- x c? upto the four
decima. place.
Econorlizc the power series for the maximum error of().0()()5.
3 5 7
. x x x
Sm x 2 -X?+?-? + .........
3T 5! 7!
What do you mean by approximation of function? Explain in detail why we need to
appruxmatc a function?. Which arc the methods of approximation of function.
Find the values ofa. b (S: c 50 that y : f bx + ex: is the best ?t to data
x 0 l 2 3 4
\ l l) 3 10 3]
Estimate the criteria for the 'Bcst' ?t for straight line.
Minimgze F(x? ,x:) = (x: ? 2 )4 + B(xz r 3)2 by the method ot'stccpcst descent using
initial solution X? = (153)
i) Analy1ical method ofoptimizatiun
ii) Gradient methods nl?op?jmi/mjon
Explain F ibonacci search for n lulu! number Ofexperimenl and uncertainty de?ned by
Explain in detail:
1) Modular Programming
2) S?Jbroutinc libraries
3) Capacity optimization
Explain Block diagram ot?preliminar} aids for programming.
Describe how numerical method are implemented using subroutine libraries.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020