Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 2nd Year Physical Pharmacy New Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2nd Year Physical Pharmacy New Previous Question Paper

B. Phann. - II Second Year (Annual Pattern) (New Course)
35008 : Physical Pharmacy : [I.T.I
a) Emulsion.
b) Cyclodextrin complexes.
c) Plasma protein binding.
AW - 2263 1
' I" Page? 1 mmmmmn AW ' ?63
'l?ime : Three Hours . 1 1 3 r l. Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1 A11 question carry equal marks.
2 Answer any eight questions.
3. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of ncat sketches.
4 Use of pen Bluc/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. Describe various binding forces between molecules. Add a note on polymorphism. 10
2. Slate & explain ?rst law of thermodynamics & add a note on Work of expansion at 10
constant pressure.
3. What do you mean by complete & panial miscibility? W hat arc the factors affecting 10
mutual solubility of partially miscible liquids in details.
4. a) Discuss steady state ofdiffusion. 5
b) De?ne rate, order & molecularity of reaction & describe ?rst order reaction in details. 5
S. :1) Discuss HLB classi?cation 01'surfactunts. 5
b?) Write in details about wetting and detergcncy. 5
6. Describe Kinetic properties of colloids in details. 10
7. De?ne emulsions. describe thcir types & write the theories of emulsi?cation. 10
8. What do you mean by micromeritics? Write about the methods ofdetermination of 10
puniclc size.
9. Describe the different types of viscometers in details. 10
10. Write notes on any two. 10

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020