Download SGBAU BCA 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Advanced Operating System Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 3rd Sem Advanced Operating System Previous Question Paper

B.C.A. (l?art?II) Scmcstcr?III Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60
Note :?-(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) What is Operating System 7? Explain any four functions ofan operating system.
(b) Explain process state transition in detail.
2. (a) What is process '2 Explain various process slates.
(b) EXplain services of operating system.
3. (3) Explain mutual exclusion primitives. 6
(b) Explain message passing in concurrent programming. 6
4. (a) What is Semaphore 7 How it is useful in process synchronization ?.? Explain. 6
(b) State and explain Dckkcr?s Algorithm.
5. (3) Explain Dcad?Lock prevention.
(b) Dcl'mc Deadlock. Explain Banker?s Algorithms for Deadlock avoidance with example. 6
6. (a) Explain Deadlock Recovery. 6
(b) Explain Resource Allocation Graph.
7. (a) Explain storage hierarchy in storage management.
(b) De?ne and explain page fault.
8. (a) Explain Architecture for paging mechanism. 6
(b) What is fragmentation ? Why it is needed to fragment memory ? Explain.
9. (a) ExplainSchcduling Criteria.
(b) Explain Pn'ority Scheduling. 6
10. (a) Explain the following scheduling technique :
(i) SJF
(ii) FCF S
(xii) Round Robin. 6
(b) State and explain the difference bctWCcn preemptive and non?preemptive scheduling. 6
YBC?15367 ?5

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