Download SGBAU BCA 2019 Summer 5th Sem Core Java Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BCA 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Computer Applications) 5th Sem Core Java Previous Question Paper

B.C.A. Part?[Il (Semester?V) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60
Note :?(1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) What is Java ?3 Explain the features of Java. 6
(b) Write a program in Java to demonstrate sum of command line arguments. 6
2. (:1) Explain the Object Oriented Programming Principles. 6
(b) Explain the various datatypes in Java. 6
3. (a) Explain the class and object in Java with example.
(b) Explain the use of super keyword in class hierarchy.
4. (a) What is Constructor ? Explain the constructor overloading.
(b) What is Inheritance '3 Explain the types of inheritances in Java.
5. (a) What is Package ? Explain pre-de?ned packages in Java.
(b) What is the difference between extends and implements keyword in Java ? 6
6. (a) What are the steps for creating package in Java ? Explain with example. 6
(b) How docs Java support Multiple Inheritance ? Explain with example.
7. (a) What is Exception ? Explain the types of exceptions in Java.
(b) Explain the methods of Thread Class. 6
8. (3) Explain the use of following keywords :?
0) Try
(ii) Catch
(iii) Finally. 6
(b) Write a program in Java to demonstrate multithreaded program.
9. (a) What is Applet ?? Explain the life cycle of an Applet. 6
(b) Explain the mouse and keyboard events in Java. 6
10. (:1) Explain the Graphical User Interface (GUI) components in Java. 6
(b) Explain the methods of Applet Class. 6
YBC?r 715374 175

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