Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Computer Application DBMS Previous Question Paper
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B.Sc. (Part-Iil) (Scmcstcr?IV) Examination
(Database Management System)
Time : Thrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Question Nos. 2 to 13 carry equal marks.
(3) Assume suitable data and draw labelled diagram wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Existence of ,,_ entity depends on another entity.
(ii) command is used to modify the existingiow of table.
(iii) Non-key 01' one table becomes a primary key of another table is known as
(iv) a . command is used 10 display the data from table. 2
Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statement :
(i) is not number function.
(a) Lower (b) AVG
(c) MAX (d) ABS
(ii) Rows in the table (relation) are called _,
(a) Attribute (b) Tuples
(c) Node (d) Entity
(iii) - ? ?____ data type is used to store binary data.
(a) Number (b) RAW
(c) BIN (d) CHAR
(iv) 77 statement makes changes permanent.
(a) Commit (b) R011 back
(c) MKPR (d) TRIGGER 2
(i) What is system privilege ?
(ii) What is E?R diagram '2
(iii) What is BCNF ?3
(iv) What is save point ? 4
Describe @ichgpcture of Database system. 6
Explain Hierarchical database model with example. 6
What are various components of database system ? 6
Explain Network database model with example. 6
What is E-R diagram ? Describe symbols used in it. 6
Describe the following :
(i) Relation
(ii) Attribute
(iii) Domain 6
YBC?15296 1 (Conld.)
5. (A) Explain the following :
(i) Functional dcpcndcncy
(ii) Entity and enlity 53L
(B) Explain 3 NF with uxaznpie.
6. (A) Describe various ccmpmcrs of SQL.
(B) Explain following; with syntax and example :
7. (A) Describe ORDER BY clams: with example.
(B) Explain rollback segmmt,
8. (A) Describe various integrity constraints.
(B) Describe the following Data functions :
(i) aL?d_momhs ( )
(ii) I.zxst_day
9. (A) Describe following with syntax and example :
(i) ABS
(ii) SQRT
(iii) SIGN
(B) What is join ',? llxplaiw. sclt?jain with emmple.
10. (A) Describe various data type; in PL."SQL with example.
(B) Describe follma'ing :
(i) Creating, BliFDRi: trigger
(ii) Creating AFTER trigger
11. (A) Di?crentiate between implicit and eXphuit cursors.
(B) Describe conccpt of putckagc and its creation.
12. (A) Describe various locking levals.
(B) Describe SQIJ securilx? conccpl.
13. (A) What is privileges '? What are syst privileges ?
(B) How views are useful in security cnt?orccmcnt 1?
YBC?15296 2
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020