Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem CS CA IT Fundamentals Of IT n C Programming Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem CS CA IT Fundamentals Of IT n C Programming Previous Question Paper

Time : Three Hours]
AW?l 631
B.Sc. (Part?I) Semester?l Examination
(Fundamentals of Information Technology and (2 Programming)
[Maximum Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
YBC?l 5205
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Functions which are designed and developed by programmer are called as
(ii) HTT P stands for .
(iii) MODEM stands for .
(iv) Scanner is
Choose the correct altemativc :
(i) The lowest storage unit to measure memory is :
(a) Mega byte
(c) Binary digit
(ii) Comments in C is started and ended with :
(b) Nibble
((1) Byte
(b) ?l */
(d) /* */
(iii) Which of the following is NOT a loop statement ?3
(a) while (b) do-whilc
(c) switch (d) for
(iv) The symbol used in ?owchart for decision making is :
(a) Rectangle (b) Circle
(c) Parallclogram (d) Diamond 2
Answer the following in one sentence :
(i) De?ne Operating System.
(ii) De?ne topology.
(iii) What is Operator ?
(iv) What do you mean by entry-controlled loop structure ?
(A) Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer.
(B) Explain the characteristics of computer.
1 (Contd.)

Differentiate between RAM and ROM. 6
Explain why secondary memory is required. Draw a block diagram of computer and
explain functions of each unit. 6
Explain rename, append. close, vwitc operations on ?les. 6
Explain the concept of onlinc and real time operating system. 6
Explain with suitable examples ?le naming with respect to ?le handling. Explain
protection. password and Read only ?ag attribute. 6
De?ne operating system. What are its objectives '.? Iixplain time sharing 0.8. 6
Differentiate between LAN and WAN. 6
Explain and dram diagram showing arrangement of nodes in mesh topology with some
advantages and disadvantages. 6
Explain the concept of F'l?l?, HTTP. 6
Explain with diagram Ring topology 6
Write an algorithm and draw a ?owchart to exchange contents of two variables using
third variable. 6
Describe the complc?tc structure of C program with suitable example. 6
Explain the concept of the terms m Assembler, Interpreter and Compiler. 6
Write an algorithm and draw a ?owrhurt to check if the number is divisible by 2 or
not. 6
Explain impiic1t and explicit type convcrsion with suitable examples. 6
Explain conditional operator with syntax and ?nd out biggest number in gixcn mo
numbers. 6
Explain with concept. syntax and suitable example symbolic constants. 6
What do you mean by prc and post increment operator used in C? language 1? Write
suitable examples to support your answer. 6
Write: a program in (f to display ?rst 5 odd numbers. 6
Explain with syntax and suitable example do-while ( J loop. 6
Write a program in C. to ?nd the sum ot?numbers from 5 to 15 (using For statement).
Explain the working, syntax and suitable example of while ( ) loop. 6
YBC?IS205 7 525

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020