Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem CA IT Programming in C Sharp Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem CA IT Programming in C Sharp Previous Question Paper

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AW?l 749
B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmcster?V Examination
(Programming in C#)
Time : 'l?hrce Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note 2? (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Question 1 carries 8 maxks and all other questions carry 12 marks.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :
(1) _ _ are the non executable statements of a C# program. ?/2
(ii) is called automatically whenever an obj ect is destroyed. ?/2
(iii) In operator overloading it is not possible to change __ _ _ and _ _ __ of an
existing operator. '/2
(iv) __?_ is used for multiple decision making. V2
(B) Choose the correct alternative 2
(i) is used to convert the result of an expression into desired type. '/2
(a) Wing (b) type casting
(0) update (d) change
(ii) In method overloading the method name is same, but changes must be in, '/z
(a) Type of arguments (b) Number of arguments
(0) Sequence of arguments ((1) Any of these
(iii) # are just used for Inheritance. '/2
(a) Abstract class (b) Base Class
(c) Derived class (d) None
(iv) _ *_ is used to take a part of a string. Er":
(a) com? ( ) (b) compare ( )
(c) length ( ) (d) substring ( )
(C) Answer the following in one sentence : ? 4
(i) What is MSIL ?
(ii) What is (7 z) ?2
(iii) What are constants ?
(iv) What are events '?
YBC?IS317 l (Contd.)

2. (A) State and explain the dif?rcn:e between C1 ? and Cit.
(B) Explain the .?.\?"F'l? fi'amcuork,
3. (A) State and explain the Characlri?tics ofCii.
(B) What is NET approach Smt: zmd explain its advantages.
4. (A) State and explain the structure 01'th program.
(B) What are the data types supportud by (fft 2? Explain.
5. (A) What is command line argument '.? Explain.
(B) Explain :
(1) Default Values
(ii) Reference type
(iii) C onstant.
6. (A) What are bitwise operaturs ?.? E (plain,
CB) Write a program to check ?hephcr Input year is Leap year or No: in Cit.
7. (A) Write a program in Cf? to print table ofn number.
(8') How multiple decision ma8. (A) State and cxplain types of Parameters used in method.
(B) Write a program in Ct? to print transpose oft: matrix.
9. (A) How strings are handled in G: 'T Explain with examplc.
(B) Write a program to search a number in an array using sequential Starch.
10. (A) State and explain the diffetcncc between structure and Class.
(B) What is erzumerator '.? Explain.
11, (A) What are constructors ?.? Explair t}pes 0f constructors.
(B) Explain the follnm'ng :-
(i) this
(ii) static members.
12. (A) What are Interfaces ? Explain.
(B) What is operator overlnadii 1.: 7 l xplain.
13. (A) What are delegates ?.? Explain.
(B) What is an Abstract class T? I5xplziin with example.
YBC ~15317 2

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