Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Statistics Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Statistics Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?lll) Scmcstcr?V Examination
'l?imc : 'l'hrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? All questions are compulsory.
l?ill in the blanks :
(i) In process control quality (if product can be obtained by _ charts.
(ii) Worst lcvcl ofquality that consumer can tolerate is called
(iii) 'l'hc procedure ol'panitioning in a given population into homogeneous groups is called
(iv) The optimum allocation mclhod is given by 7 ? . 2
Choose correct alternative from the following :
(i) Generally control charts are classi?ed in two iypcs which are :
(a) Single and double (b) Variable and attn'butc
(Ci Mean and range ((1) Defective and non?defcclive
(ii) Indifference curves slope downward towards :
(a) Left (b) U pward
(c) Downward (d) Right
(iii) In sampling every member of a population has an equal chance ofbcing included
in a sample :
(a) Purposivc (b) Quota
(c) Random (d) Mixed
(iv) The graphical representation 01' probability of acceptance ol?a lot and variation in quality
is given by :
(a) ASN curve (b). AT! curve
(c) AOQL curvc (d) ()C curve 2
Answer in one sentence :
(i) Which charts are used to deals with variables 2?
(ii) What is frame in sampling ?
(iii) Which sampling method is used to select the name ol?consumcrs from available phone
list 1?
(iv) What is called the sample size '3 4
YBC?i 53 I 5 l (Comd.)

2. (A) Explain the nccd ol?SQC in lHdllSII?iCS. 4
(B) Explair variation occurs in :nuducl or process control. 4
(C) Obtain 30 control limits for ii chart. 4
3. (P) What dz) you mom by "tarncrss control? and ?product control? Ln SQC ? 4
(Q) Explain 3c limits in SQCT. 4
(R) Explain outline of general wmlrol chart. 4
4. (A) Explain the following :
(i) A()QI.
(ii) AS-N
(iii) L'l?l?D. 6
(B) Explain single sampling plan md 0C function. 6
(P) De?ne :
(i) Producer?s risk
(ii) Consumer?s risk
(iii) Avnage sample numbcr,
(Q) Differentiate between single and double sampling plan.
6. (A) Discuss the thcory oi'comumvr behaviour and its importance.
(8) De?ne partial elasticity and crass elasticity
(C) De?ne ordinal utility and cardinal utility.
7. (P) Dc?nclutalutilityandmarginal utility.
(Q) Explain indi??crcncc cum: wit}: example 4
(R) Dc?nc partial clasticily and m-ss elasticity 4
8. (A) Explain the difference bcmcw SRSWR and SRSWOR.
(B) Show that in SRS cud: cl_smvnr. has an equal probability 01? being stlected in a sample from
popululiun. 4
(C) Obtain He variance of unhiaxcd cslimatc ofpopulation mean undrr SRSWOR. 4
9. (P) Explain the procedurc of celccting sample by using random number table. 4
(Q) Discuss the principle >lcps in sample survcy. 4
(R) lixpluin sampling 01mm and uun-sampling errors. 4
YBCA?153l5 2

Explain the concept of strati?ed random sampling and obtain variance of sample mean.
Compare Ncyman?s allocation of strati?ed random sampling ovcr SRSWOR and interpret
the result. 6
Explain the concept of proportional allocation in strati?ed random sampling and determine
strata sample size n]. under proportional allocation. 6
Explain the principle advantages of strati?cation and prove that the greater is the difference
in stratum the greater is the gain in e?iciency 0f strati?ed sampling with proportional allocation
ovcr unstrati?ed random sampling. 6
Explain systematic sampling with illustrative example. 4
Show that sample mean is an unbiased estimate of population mean under clustcr sampling.
State application ofcluster sampling. 4
Compare systematic and cluster sampling. 4
Obtain an unbiased estimate of?population mean in systematic sampling.
Explain cluster sampling with advantages.
YBC?IS3I5 3 225

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