Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Apiculture Bee Botany Pollination n Melato Palynology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Apiculture Bee Botany Pollination n Melato Palynology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?I) Scmcstcr-?II Examination
(Bee Botany, Pollination and Mclato Palynology)
Time : Three Hours]
Note :?(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Question Nos. 2 to 7 carry equal marks.
Fill in the blanks :?
(a) Bee plant yields F,,_,_ and __ _ for bccs.
(b) Study of Pollen grains is called __
(c) Entomophily is pollination by _
(d) Honey bee carries pollen grains in
Choose correct option :?
(c) In pollination pollen grains transfer from stamens lo _
(i) ovary (ii) anther
(iii) stigma (iv) stipul
(1) Anemophily is a pollination by ?
(i) wind (ii) insect
(iii) bats (iv) water
(g) The horticultural crops is _A
(i) orange (ii) tulsi
(iii) ncem (iv) nerium
(h) ConVcrsion of nectar t0 honey by bccs is called :
(i) regurgitation (ii) foraging
(iii) swarming (iv) derth
Answer in ONE sentence each :?
(i) De?ne cross pollination.
(j) What is autogamy ?
(k) What is palynology ?
(1) De?ne bee plant.
Give the classi?cation of bee plants with suitable examples.
Explain process of fertilization in ?owering plants.
Explain secretion of nectar.
Explain male and female parts of ?ower.
Give composition of nectar.
Explain development of fruit.
YBC 415250 1
[Maximum Marks : 80

De?ne bee ?ora and discus av.) six annual bcc crops with thcir ?owering period.
Discuss wild and horticultural hec plants with their ?owering plants.
(3) Explain ?oral gap.
(h) Explain concept of ?oral scqucncc and its advantages.
(i) Descrihc ?oral culcxdzr. gxc its advantages.
(j) How honey becmms toxic ?9
(k) Explain major bcc :rops in India with their ?owuring period and region.
(I) Describe season of major honey flow in India.
(m) Draw a diagram 01' poilcn bag on hind leg.
(n) Explain honey bccs ar: more c?'icicm fur pollination.
(0) Explain mcthod [or preparation of pollen slidc.
(p) Explain types 01' pollen.
(q) Describe the mcihoi lo .chtiilil'y ?oral source.
(r) Giv: characteristics of palicn grains.
Discuss pollination with their Iypcs and its advantages and disadvantages.
Discuss various pcllinatfng agents.
(5) Explain the conccpl of migratory hoe keeping.
(t) Dcscribc masures Io pm'cct bces from insecticide spraying.
(u) Explain the concept of bcrvic? for pollination through beekeeping.
(v) Explain how hcc< cum cz?l nectar t0 honey.
(w) Explain advantages of himcy bees to farmer and hes keeper.
(x) Explain advantagcs of n?igration of bu: colonies.
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020