Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Bioinformatics COmputer Fundamentals n Operating Systems Previous Question Paper
(Computer Fundamentals and Operating Systems)
Time : Three Hours]
Note :? All questions are compulsory.
[Maximum Marks : 80
1. (a) Fill in the blanks :
(1) Primary and __7# are the two types of memory.
(ii) Windows is an operating system designed by
(iii) A is he interaction between row and column in a spread sheet in Excel.
(iv) is the command to change directory in UNIX. 4
(b) Choose the correct alternatives :
(i) _ is the base for the binary number system.
(a) 10 (b) 16
(c) 8 (d) 2
(ii) Which of the following is a model proposed for networking ?
(a) ISO (b) 081
(c) C SI (d) NSO
(iii) _ is used to search information on web.
(a) Search engine (b) Search web
(c) Search URI, (d) Find engine
(iv) Which of the following is not a network topology ?
(a) Star (b) Bus
(C) 319% (d) Tree 4
(c) Answer in one sentence each :
(i) What is H'ITP ?
(ii) State the types of circulation for a page in MS-WORD.
(iii) What is a chart 1?
(iv) What is a process ? 4
2. (a) W hat is a compiler ? How does it differ from interpreter ?? 4
(b) Explain the EBCDIC for representing data. 4
(c) Describe the working of an inkjet printer. 4
(p) Explain the various types of memory. 4
(q) Describe the working of a mouse. 4
(r) C onvert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalent :
(1) 23
(ii) 78 4
YBC?16926 l (C ontd .)
What are icons 1? Explain
Describe the print dialogue box in MS-WORD.
What is control panel ?.' I-xplain tools in it.
Write the procedure to change the background of the Windows Desktop.
What is Windows [Explorer " Explain.
Explain the text formatting options in MS?WORI).
List and describe the various mathematical functions in MS-EXCEL.
Explain ?Autosum? feature in MS-EXCEL.
What :5 'l?CP/IP ?.? Fixplain.
Describe the features of n \xeb browser.
What are pie charts '? When are they used ?
What is e-mail '2 Explain.
Explain the ?le system in INN.
Describe the various states m which a process can be at any instance.
Describe various data structures used for pI'OCCDS management.
Describe various commands in UNIX.
Explain the various features of a Linux Operating System.
Describe process scheduling in Linux.
Explain the services provided by Kernel.
Explain interproccss communication in Linux.
What is LAN 1? llow does it dlffCI? from a MAN '?
Describe the services provided by the network layer ot?OSI model.
What is; ?client? ? Explain.
Describe the ?Ring" topolog} for networking.
What are protocols 7 Smte their need.
What is a WAN ?2 Explain.
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020