Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Food Science Nutritional Biochemistry Of Foods Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Food Science Nutritional Biochemistry Of Foods Previous Question Paper

13.30. (Part?I) Semester?II Examination
(Nutritional Biochemistry of Foods)
: Three Hours]
Note z?(l) All questions are compulsory.
l. (A) Fill in the blanks :?
(i) are known as building blocks of body.
(ii) ,_ is the main source of energy for brain.
(iii) The amino acids that are necessary to include in diet are _ _ __
(iv) Carbohydrate is stored in muscle and livcr as _
(B) Choose the correct alternative :?
(i) can not be digested by human.
(21) starch (b) cellulose
(c) alchohol ((1) protein
(ii) HCl is the constituent of __
(a) Gastric juice (b) Pancreatic juice
(c) Bile salts (d) Saliva
(iii) Spectrophotomctry uscs the principle of :
(a) Beer-Lambert's law (b) Newton's law
(c) Michalis-Mcnton equation (d) Avogadro No.
(iv) The fatty acids containing double or triple bonds :
(21) Saturated fatty acids (b) Unsaturat?d fatty acids
(c) Essential fatty acids (d) Non-cs?ential fatty acids
(C) Answer in ONE sentcnce :?
(i) How many ATP are synthesized during glycolysis ?
(ii) What is NPU in protein nutrition '.?
(iii) De?ne metabolism.
(iv) De?ne autocatalysis of enzymes.
2. Give the functions of proteins and describe its digestion and absorption.
Explain urea cycle outline with the emymes and the reactions involved.
YBC?l5248 l
[Maximum Marks : 80
(2) Draw a neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary.
amino acids.

4. (A)
Explain digestion 01' carbuhytllatcs with [he C111,}IIIES Involved.
Give the importance and functions of carbohydrates.
Give the outline and energems of TCA cycle.
Explain the reactions of glycolysis. 4
Give the synthesis of glycogcn from glucos: 4
Enlist the various paths inx'olvcd in carbohydrate metabolism. Give the energetics of
glycolysis. 4
De?ne cn7ymes. What arc the general characteristicg of cnzymcs 'I?
What arc opoenzymc: and holocnzymes ?? Describe coenzymcs.
Describe the composition :rmd functions of gastric and pancreatic juice.
Explain the c?cct of temperature on enzyme activity.
Explain the reaction spcci?city 01' enzymes.
Give the chtssi?cation ut? t'IlZ:~TICS.
Give the Classi?cation of lipids in brief.
Give the important function 01 lipids.
Explain the effects of exces; fat: in body.
Describe the reactions in B-nxitinmn of fatty acids.
Explain digcstion of lipids. 4
De?ne essentialt?non-csscnt .11. s1turazed/unsalurated fatty acids with examples. 4
6. Give an account of functions. sources and dc?cicncy symptoms 01' any two vitamins. 1.
Give an account of functions. sourccs and de?ciency symptoms of any two minerals. [2
7. (A) What is chromatography '? Give the types with uses. 4
(B) Describe electrophoresis in hricl. 4
(C) Explain importance 05 water m nutrition. 4
(P) Explain paper chroxnatocraph} with principle in bricf. 4
(Q) Explain spectrophotometry. 4
(R) Dc?nc calorimetry and 1.21153 mth uscs. 4
YB(?r15248 3 125

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