Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 1st Sem Bioinformatics Elementary Mathematics n Statics Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 1st Sem Bioinformatics Elementary Mathematics n Statics Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. Part-I (Scmcstcr?I) Examination
(Elementary Mathematics & Statistics)
Time : 'l?hrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Attempt ALL questions.
(2) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks : 2
(i) De?nite integral of any function is
(ii) f?(x) is called as __ _____
(iii) Median divides the series in _ equal parts.
(iv) Upper limit of probability is __
(8) Choose the correct alternatives and rewrite the sentences : 2
(i) f'(x) is called as :
(a) Function of X (b) Derivative of X
(0) Second order derivative (d) Integral of X
(ii) Order of differential equation 3;: +% =0 is :
(a) Zero (b) One
(c) Two ((1) None of the above
(iii) Deciles divide the series in ? equal pans.
(a) Two (b) Four
(c) Ten (d) Hundred
(iv) A die is rolled, then probability of getting number 5 is :
1 .
(a) 3 (b) 1
(c) % ((1) Zero
(C) Answer the following in ONE sentence : 4
(i) De?ne de?nite integral.
(ii) Order of the differential equation.
(iii) Meaning of mode.
(iv) What do you mean by dispersion '?
( C omd.)

(a) Explain the difference and produc. of two functions. 4
(1)) Discuss proccdurc of obtaining integration of function.
(0) Solve the differential eq 131101 :
3E5-1-2-5+sinx-(l_ 4
dx2 dX
(p) How wmld you obtain 1111111 01? furctior. '.? Gin: example. 4
(q) Explain derivative of trigonometric function. 4
(r) Discuss about impAicit 11;:1u11'un. 4
3. (:3) Explain 1he integration [3 suostitution. 4
(b) How would you obtain 1, function from derivative '7 4
(c) Explain procedure ofoh'11in112g volume of boundcd region. 4
(p) Dc?nc difference equation wnh example. 4
(q) Discuss procedure for integrmion by partial function. 4
(r) Explain how would you obtain diffcrcncc and product 01' two functions. 4
4. (a) Discuss thc concept of ordcr 1rd dcgrcc ol? differential equation. 4
(b) Explain the variable scpz tab]:- method 4
(c) Solve the differential eqlmion : y , 213"}? + c?Q -~ R eliminating P? Q and R. 4
(p) Explain the pI?OCUdurt? of obtaining solution of ?rst degree differential equation. 4
(q) What are the types 01' the di?crcmiul equations 2? (3i\e example. 4
_ . h .
(r) Obtam the solution of 31111 X 1x + 2 5111 X J COS 3X . 4
(a) De?ne central tendency. \x'hat as its meawrcs and de?ne arithmetic mean for grouped
data ?? 6
(b) Obtain the ?rst and third quartile for following data :
Marks 10?21:. p113? :0?40 7117?511 1 50! KO 60?70
, ?_ m u,, , ? , H 1
No.0fSIudcnts 1 s 12 15 11 ? 8 3 l
?_ __ 7 ____ _ _ , __~_____ . ~ ?_._L___ 7,..?1
(15) Explain concept of corre'utim.. scaucr diagram .md correlation coef?cient. 6
(q) Obtain correlation coef?cient for following data :
' ?*?r_": ' '17?
1?)?! 2 8 __:_\L_L-J? ..1 <1
W16 \0 1'l_#?.4 fl J: ,1,

6. ('4) De?ne sample space and events. 4
(b) What are the axioms of probability ? 4
(c) Obtain probability of getting sum IO, when two dice are rolled simultaneously. 4
(p) Explain mutually exclusive and independent events. 4
(q) State the Bayc?s rule of probability. 4
(r) Discuss concept of probability tree. 4
7. (a) What do you mean by random variable ? Explain, with example, discrete and continuous
random variable. 6
(b) Obtain the expected value of x for following :
p(x) 0.1 0.2 02 1 0.3 0.15 0.05 6
(p) Explain the cumulative distribution function. Give its properties. 6
(q) Describe probability mass function and probability density function. 6

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020