Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Physics Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?II) Scmcstcr?lll Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(I) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw suitable and neat diagram wherever necessary.
~Fill in the blanks :? 2
(i) The input impedance of an ideal OPAMP is
(ii) The maximum concentration of ozone gas lies in layer of earth?s
(iii) For operation of transistor in active region the collector-basc junction must be
?H ?.4 biased.
(iv) The value of transistor current gain in CB mode (a) is always _ than I.
Choose correct alternative :~? 2
(i) Electric ?ux is a ____ quantity.
(a) scalar (b) vector
(c) constant (d) zero
(ii) When a trivalent impurity is added to pure semiconductor, it becomes ??
(a) An insulator (b) An Intrinsic semiconductor
(c) p-typc semiconductor (d) n-typc semiconductor
(iii) The Hall coef?cient R? is negative for
(a) Intrinsic semiconductor (b) p?typc semiconductor
(c) n-Iype semiconductor (d) None 01' the above
(iv) Common mode rejection ratio is :
Av (DilT.) , Av (Com)
?? Av((,?om.) (b) Av (mm)
(c) Av(Com.) + Av(l)itT.) (d) Av(Com.) X Av(Diff.)
Answer in ONE sentence : ? . 4
(i) Dctinc Extrinsic semiconductor.
(ii) What is fermi level '2
(iii) What is Epicenter of earthquake ?
(iv) Write down the relation between three parameters of the PET.
De?ne divergencc of a vector and give its physical signi?cance. 4
State and prove Stoke?s theorem.
Explain line integral with example.
YBC?15255 1 (Comd.)
(C )
7 (C)
State and prove Ampere?s circuital 1d?.
Dcrivc an expression for work done on charge in an ccctmstatic ?eld
Explain Lorentz force equation.
State Faraduys law of electromagnetic induction and dcriu: :m expresson
Derive thc rclalion V. D :p.
State Muchll's equations for free SDUJC.
What is Pnynting vector ? Explain its physical signi?cancc.
Obtain lhc. cquulion : V? x? r I + 0:?
What is characteristic impedance of clcctronmgncvic \mvc 1?
What is Hall effect 5? Derive an expression for Hz 1| cocf?cicnlv
Explain construction and working 01' LIED.
Describe :14pr and p-typc scmiconduclor.
Explain forward and reverse biasing ot' p-n junction diadu
Explain potential barrier in pn-jlmctinn ledC
Explain the construction and working 01' n-channo ,IH 'lI
Draw a block diagram of operational mnpli?cr and explain working 01' each block.
A given transistor has current gain [5 7 50, calcule the value of a ?
Explain working 01? NPN transistor.
Explain how up_ump can bc uscd us an im crting ampli?er.
Draw circuit diagram to plot tha- chzu?uclcrislics of .'I?I?I'.
Stale postulmcs of special lhcory of rclmivily.
Derive lnrcntz transformation cquulxons.
Explain length contraction and dcriw the expression for lhc sums.
R) 'JI
Obtain an cxprcssion for relativistic addition ufvclc'czlic?x using, Lorentz lranslbrmulion.
Dcrivc Einstein?s mass-energy rclaliun [3 = me2
What is curlhquuke 7 Explain different types of cu'thquakcs.
Explain internal structure of earth.
Explain the scattering. absmption and re?ection 01' solar radiation by atmosphere.
What arc the seismic waves 1? Explain different 1) pcs of scibmic waves.
Explain thc vertical division of atmosphere on r'he Hams of temperature.
3? 000
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020