Download JNTUA B.Tech 4-2 R13 2017 April Regular 13A05806 Python Programming Question Paper

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Code: 13A05806

B.Tech IV Year II Semester (R13) Regular Examinations April 2017
(Computer Science and Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

(Compulsory Question)

1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What are the conventions followed in variable declaration and definitions in python?
(b) What are the advantages of interactive mode of python programming?
(c) List out the basic data types of python programming.
(d) What are the roles of pass keyword?
(e) Give examples for any two usage of dictionaries data structure.
(f) What are the types of sequences in python?
(g) How to represent variable length arguments in python.
(h) Give an example for fruitful function.
(i) What is data hiding? Give an example in python.
(j) What are the standard libraries for GUI programming in python?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)


2 (a) Enumerate any twenty keywords in python.
(b) Give a Brief description about history of python and the need of python.
3 (a) Explain the various input and output methods in python.
(b) What are the indentation rules that followed in python?


4 Discuss about various operators in python programming. Give code segments of each operator usage.
5 (a) List out the order of expression evaluation from highest to lowest.
(b) Write a python program for multiplication of two 3 x 3 matrix.


6 (a) Give any three examples of list comprehensions.
(b) Explain the various methods of tuples in python.
7 (a) Give any three examples of slicing.
(b) Explain the various methods of sets in python.


8 (a) Write a function called is_ prime which takes a single integer argument and returns True if the integer is a
prime number and False otherwise. A prime number is a number with only two distinct divisors, 1 and
itself. Note: 1 is therefore not a prime number.
(b) Explain how to represent local and global variables in python.
9 (a) Write steps to install packages via pip.
(b) Write a python program to describe error and exception handling.


10 (a) Explain how to override methods in python.
(b) Describe about a class and constructor methods with an example.
11 (a) Write a short python script to test any three string methods.
(b) Explain the features of turtle graphics in python.
R13 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 10 September 2020