Download RGUHS?(Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) B.Pharmcy (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 1st Year (First Year) 2626 Pharmaceutics Rs4 Previous Year Question Paper
I Year B. Pharm Degree Examination ? 31-May-2023
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 70 Marks
Q.P. CODE: 2626
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two)
2 x 10 = 20 Marks
1. Define prescription. Draw a typical format of prescription. Explain various parts of prescription.
2. Define suspension. Explain the preparation of suspension containing diffusible and indiffusible
3. Define and classify incompatibility. Explain the physical incompatibility with example.
SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Six)
6 x 5 = 30 Marks
4. Describe the simple percolation process with a neat diagram.
5. Write the different steps involved in the preparation of surgical catgut.
6. Define suppositories. Explain the various suppository bases.
7. Explain dusting powders with example.
8. Write the differences between lotions and liniments.
9. What are the various commonly used excipients in preparation of monophasic liquid dosage forms?
10. Calculate the actual strength of 250 O.P (Over Proof).
11. How many parts of 15% 10% and 5% alcohol are mixed to prepare 8% alcohol?
10 x 2 = 20 Marks
12. What are effervescent granules?
13. Mention the contents of national formulary of India.
14. Define isotonic and paratonic solution.
15. Name any two examples of stabilizers used in monophasic dosage forms.
16. Explain geometric dilution with an example.
17. Write the disadvantages of oleaginous ointment bases.
18. What are medicated bandages? Give one example.
19. Define radioactivity. Write the unit to measure the radioactivity.
20. Why marc is not pressed for unorganized drug.
21. Define Hygroscopic and deliquescence.
This post was last modified on 12 January 2025