Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing Second Year (2nd Year) April 10 SCHEME 201010 Medical Nursing Including Pathology Question Paper.
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations
April 2019
Medical Nursing Including Pathology
(2010 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (2x15=30)
1. Mrs. A, 35 years old lady is admitted with pneumonia. Classify the types of pneumonia with
causes. Explain the pathophysiology of pneumonia. Discuss the management of Mrs. A
including nursing management. (4+4+7)
2. Define cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Discuss the types, clinical features and medical
management in CVA. Prepare a nursing care plan for a patient with CVA (2+6+7)
Short Notes (6x5=30)
3. clinical features of cirrhosis of liver.
4. Hepatitis B
5. Stages of illness
6. Fluid overload
7. Diabetic ketoacidosis
8. Psoriasis
Nurse?s role for the following (3x3=9)
9. Blood transfusion
10. Preparation of a patient for coronary angiography
11. collection of 24 hour urine specimen"
Give reasons for the following (3x2=6)
12. Strict monitoring of prothrombin time is done in patients on anticoagulants
13. Erythropoietin is given in chronic renal failure
14. The site of snake bite should not be elevated above the heart level
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This post was last modified on 12 November 2019