Download PTU (I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU)) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) (CE)- Civil Engineering 2020 December 5th Sem 70512 Design Of Steel Structures I Previous Question Paper
Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 18
B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) (2012 to 2017) (Sem.?5)
Subject Code : BTCE-501
M.Code : 70512
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
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SECT ION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
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SECT ION-B c ontains F IVE questions c arrying FIVE marks eac h and s tud ents
have to atte mpt any FOUR q ues tions.
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SECT ION-C contains THREE questions carrying T EN marks e ach and s tudents
have to atte mpt any T WO questio ns.
Answer briefly :
Define the terms pitch and gauge distance with respect to the rivets.
Draw a neat diagram for double V butt and single bevel button joint.
What do you mean by `formation of plastic hinge' in beams?
What do you mean by Bolt value?
Define the term `leg' in relation to the fillet weld. How it is related to weld size?
What is the significance of carbon content in iron?
What is the role of Purlins in roof truss?
Differentiate between the slab base and gusseted base.
What are `stanchions' and where they are used?
10. Why lacing is provided in the columns?
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11. An equal angle 75 mm ? 75 mm @ 11.0 kg/m is subjected to a load of 180 KN, whose
line of action passes through the centroid of the section, which is at 22.2 mm from the
heel. This angle is to be welded to a gusset plate. If the size of the weld is to be 8 mm,
find the length of the side fillet welds.
12. Calculate the number of bolts required to connect two plates of 120mm ? 8mm size in lap
joint, to transmit a factored load of 120 KN. Use 12 mm bolts of grade Fe 410. Assume
any missing data.
13. Draw a neat sketch for the steel roof truss showing its various components. Also explain
any ten of its components.
14. Design a double angle tension member connected on each side of a 12 mm thick gusset
plate, to carry a axial factored load of 450 KN. Use 20 mm bolts. Take yield stress of
material as 250 N/mm2.
15. Write down the steps for the design of laterally supported beams.
16. A simply supported steel joist with effective span of 5.0 m, carries a uniformly
distributed load of 50 KN over its span inclusive of its self weight. The beam is supported
laterally throughout. Select a suitable section and check it's safety.
17. Design a laced column with two channel sections placed toe to toe of length 10 m to
carry axial loaf of 750 KN. The column is restrained in position but not in direction at
both the ends.
18. Design a slab Base for a column ISHB400 @ 77.4 kg/m, with one 300 ? 12 mm flange
plate on each side. The column carries an axial load of 1200 KN. Provide welded
connection between column and Base plate.
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This post was last modified on 13 February 2021