Download RGUHS BAMS 2nd Year 2018 Sept e96548a68e82 p 04 Question Paper

Download RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2018 Sept e96548a68e82 p 04 Previous Question Paper

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
II Year B.A.M.S Degree Examination - SEP-2018
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100 Marks
Q.P. CODE: 3032
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary
(Note: Use the same theory answer scripts for writing Part A and Part B)
Part ? A (50 Marks)
1 x 15 = 15 Marks
1. Write the Botanical Name, Family, Synonyms, Botanical description, Rasa Panchaka, Useful parts,
Karma, Rogagnata Dose, Therapeutic uses of a) Ashwagandha b) Nimba
5 x 5 = 25 Marks
2. Write important Synonyms, Indications and Dose of the following drugs a) Ahifena b) Vidanga.
3. Write Amayika Prayoga a) Vasa b) Hingu c) Ushira d) Tulasi e) Durva
4. Write Types of Haritaki and explain Rutu Haritaki.
5. Describe Rasapanchaka of any two popular Jwarahara dravyas.
6. Write Types and Vishishtayoga of a) Khadira b) Bala c) Haridra d) Chandana
SHORT ANSWERS 5 x 2 = 10 Marks
7. Contraindications of Rasona.
8. Write Charakokta varga of a) Katuki b) Kantakari
9. Write Rasapanchaka of a) Maricha b) Parpata
10. Write specific Karmas of a) Varuna b) Vidarikanda c) Talishapatra d) Puskaramoola
11. Write a note on a) Shriveshtaka b) Kundaru
Part ? B (50 Marks)
LONG ESSAYS 1 x 15 = 15 Marks
12. Write the Botanical Name, Family, Synonyms, Botanical description, Rasa Panchaka, Actions,
Indications, Useful parts and therapeutic uses of a) Eranda b) Shalmali.
SHORT ESSAYS 5 x 5 = 25 Marks
13. Write in detail about Mrigasringa.
14. Write a note on Phalavarga.
15. Write Latin Name and indications of a) Latakaranja b) Aparajita c) Vamsha d) Tailaparni
e) Asthishrunkala
16. Write Family Name and Swaroopa of a) Avartani b) Bhumyaamalaki c) Danti d) Kakamachi e) Pilu
17. Write Latin Name and Useful part of a) Hrutpatri b) Karanja c) Kasamarda d)Mayaphala e) Snuhi
5 x 2 = 10 Marks
18. Write Botanical Names of a) Tagara b) Kulattha.
19. Write important indications of a) Kharjura b) Metika.
20. Write useful part of a) Udumbara b)Tuvaraka
21. Write specific karma of a)Kampillaka b) Lavanga.
22. Write swaroopa of a) Bhrungaraj b) Shankapuspi - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 13 October 2020