Download MBBS OSCE Medicine Spotters Clinical Examination 7

Download MBBS OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) Medicine Spotters Clinical Examination 7

Attempt all the questions

1. What is the name of the instrument?

2. Mention sequential layers that are penetrated
1.What is the abnormality?

2.Enumerate 2 causes ?

3. mention treatment of choice!
? Write treatment protocol for
? Peptic ulcer
? Write 4 drugs used in cardiopulmonary


1. What is the name of the instrument?

2. Mention 2 uses?

1. What is the abnormality?

2. Two possible diagnosis.
1. Mention the abnormality.

2. Mention 2 possible causes.

1. Name the instrument?

2. Name all the parts?
Write detail ECG interpretation and diagnosis!
? 19 years old male with gradually

progressive shortness of breath

? With palpitation and sweating
? HR = 122 bpm irregular rhythm
? Loud S1 and a mid diastolic murmur
? Write possible diagnosis !
? What possible complication has occurred!

This post was last modified on 13 December 2021