Download PTU I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2020 December 4th Sem 75844 Medicinal Chemistry I Previous Question Paper
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Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 13
B.Pharma (2017 Batch) (Sem. -4)
Subject Code : BP-402T
M.Code : 75844
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 75
1 .
SECT ION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
2 .
SECT ION-B contains T HREE ques tions ca rrying T EN marks ea ch and stu dent
has to attempt any TWO questions.
3 .
SECT ION-C contains NINE q uestions ca rrying FIVE marks each and stud ent ha s
to attempt any SEVEN questio ns.
Q1. Answer briefly :
a) What is the mechanism of action and uses of ephedrine?
b) Define Bioisosteres.
c) Give the structure of any one urea derivative acting as anticonvulsant agent.
d) Write a note on catabolism of acetylcholine.
e) Give the structure and name of alpha blocker having quinazoline moiety.
f) Name any two NSAIDs. Give their moa.
g) Outline the synthesis of barbital.
h) Give the structure of any one reactivator of organophosphate poisoning.
i) What are dissociative anesthetics?
j) Give the structure of benzodiazepine derivative acting as anticonvulsant agent.
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Q2. Classify Antipsychotic agents giving the structure of atleast one drug belonging to each
category. Comment upon the SAR, moa and uses of phenothiazine class of drugs.
Q3. Give the chemical name, moa, the synthetic procedure and uses of the following drugs :
a) Carbamezepine
b) Diazepam
Q4. Discuss in detail the chemistry of :
a) Morphine analogs
b) Ultra short acting barbiturates
Q5. Comment upon various factors affecting drug metabolism.
Q6. Outline various steps involved in the synthesis of ibuprofen. Discuss its role as anti-
inflammatory agent.
Q7. Discuss the SAR of benzodiazepines.
Q8. Classify anticholinergic agents. Give atleast two examples of each class.
Q9. Write a short note on history and development of medicinal chemistry.
Q10. Discuss the biological importance and chemistry of hydantoin derivatives.
Q11. Write a short note on narcotic antagonists.
Q12. Explain the chemistry of AchE inhibitors.
Q13. Classify Anticonvulsants. Suggest their mechanism of action.
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This post was last modified on 14 February 2021