Download OU BBA 2019 Dec 1st Sem 12703 Business Economics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania-University) BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) 2019 Dec 1st Sem 12703 Business Economics Previous Question Papers

Code No. 12703
BBA I - Semester (CBCS) Examination, Novemberl December 2019
Subject: Business Economics
Paper ? 1.4
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer all the questions.
PART ? A (5x4 = 20 Marks)
[Short Answer Type]
1 Answer any ?ve of the following in about 20 lines each.
a) Discounting Principle
b) Elasticity of Demand
0) Ridgeline
d) Historical cost
e) Monopolistic
f) Equi-marginal Principle
9) Gibber goods
h) Out of Pocket Cost
PART - B (5x12 = 60 Marks)
[Essay Answer Type]
Note: Answer all the questions using the internal choice.
2 a) How business economics helps managers in the decision making?
b) Compare and contrast between time perspective and discounting method.
3 a) What is meant by demand? Explain the important determinants of demand.
b) Describe the methods of demand forecasting for established products.
4 a) Explain the following concepts:
i) Production function
ii) Least-cost input combination.
b) Explain the process of determining graphically the least cost input combination in
case of two inputs and single output production system.
5 a) Explain the following with suitable examples:
i) Diseconomics
ii) Internal Economics
iii) External economics.
b) Discuss any 2 phares of cost concept of your choice.
a) Explain the features of Oligopoly. How price and output decisions are taken under
b) Explain the following with suitable examples:
i) Kinked demand curve
ii) Monopoly.

This post was last modified on 16 April 2020
