Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 3rd Year 2019E Mathematics Previous Question Paper
Code No. 2019 I E
HA. I B.Sc; m ?
Examination, March [April 2016
Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus
Paper ? ill :
Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks : 100
Note : An
swer Six questions from Part-A & Four questions from Part-B.
sing atleast one from ea
ch Unit. Each question in Part-A carries
6 marks and in Part-B carries 16 marks.
Part ? A (6 x 6 = 36 Marks)
Unit = i a ?
1 Prove that the iinear span L(S) of any subset S of a vector 3
of V. v
is a subspace
2 if U(F) and V(F) are two vector spaces and T is a linear trjhnnation from U into V,
then prove that the null space N(T) of T is a su
bs?gkace 9? U.
Unit ? ii ?i'a ?
3 F met the eigen roots and the correspondigf37%%&v?ctors of the matrix
I 4 a 4;?
3 2
4 Prove that S = {[1 "2 ?2 _ 3 7,33?? is an orthonormal set in R3
with standard inner ,1 _-
Unit - iii ?g?
5 Evaluate [(in + yz?x + (By ? 4x)dy around the trian
ck a?
Ao,o,32?ii?, anyczn.
( )fg???t ( )
i {E .7 ?ydxd
6 Evaua #Hy
gie ABC whose vertices are
y overfO, 1 ;0, 1].
Unit =- w ? -- "?
-?> a ?> ?> _ 6f 9
If f =yzi+zxj+xyk then showthat 1x
?) a.) 9
?_ ' ?? kx~=0
7 6X+Jx6y+ 62
Show that I [axi+by?+czl?)~l?ids =4?(a+b+c)
where S is the sqrface of the '
sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 1.
Code No. 2019 I E
_ 2 _
. Part - B (4 X 16 = 64 Marks)
9 a) Prove that every non-empty subset of a Linearly Independent set of vectors is
Linearly Independent.
1)) Prove that every Linearly Independent subset of a finitely generated vector space
V(F) is either a basis of V or can be extended to form a basis of V.
10 a) State and prove rank?nullity theorem.
b) Prove that zero transformation is a linear transformation.
Unit ? 11
11 a) F ind characteristic values and characteristic vectors of the matrixfm
1 1 1 a v
1 1 1
1 l 1
12 a) Exptain Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization proggss;
31s nan-u?u for an WV
1)), 1n an inner product?space V(F), prove a
., S
? M. ?352?:
Uh?t ? 111
13 a) Prove that every continuous fulg on is integrable.
b) Prove sufficient condition f ? e tence of the integral.
14 a) Change the order of in
n15: nd hence show that
1 1-):2 I
13 5?%%
b) Evalugt?ti] ??x2 + y?) dx dy.
Unit - w 1%: 57
15 a) If E =C?i2 +6y)??14yzj?+ 20x22 k evaluate jF-dr along the straight line
C .
joining (O, 0, 0) to (1, 0, 0) end 1hen from (1, 1, 0) to (1, 1, 1).
b) If 13 = (x + 3F)?? 2xy_j)+ 23121:. Evaluate jEKIds where's is the surface of
S .
plane 2x+y+22=6 in thefirst octant.
16 a) State and prove Green?s theorem in a plane. .
b) Evaluate ?(cosx siny - xy) dx + sinx cosy dy, by Green?s theorem where C 15
the circle x2 + y2 = .
This post was last modified on 18 April 2020