Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 3rd Year 5027E Statistics Previous Question Paper
Code No. 5027 I E
B.A. I B.Sc. lil ? Year Examination, March I April 2015
Subject : STATIST!CS (Theory)
Paper - Ill
Applied Statistics
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : Answer all questions. Answer questions I to IV by choosing any two
from each and any three from question V. All questions carry equal
marks. Scienti?c calculators are allowed.
5 sample
I 1 What IS a sampte survey? Discuss brie?y the basic prmCIplesa
2 Derive the variances of sample mean in case of SWSWQR and SRSWR,
compare and comment. 5
3 Describe the procedure of strati?ed ran%om%?mpling Which of the foliowing
two is an unbiased estimator of the ?
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State the variance of th u' ia?ed estimator.
4 Prove that syste at c? g?mpling wiil yield better results only if the units within
the sample are igggggageneous.
|| 5 Explaingthe m?aning of ?Anaiysis of variance? technique. State assumptions
6 tdent?y?t??fgIven type of design and describe the analysis appropriate for this
7 Derive an expression to measure the ef?ciency of R30 relative to CRD.
8 Explain basic principles of experimentation. How for these principles are met.
in LSD discuss.
Code No. 5027 I E
9 Define a time series. Explain briefly the components of time series.
10 Expiain functions and organization of NSSO.
11 What is an index number. S.T. Fisher?s index number is an ideal index
12 Fit a logistic curve y = ?-?-?1 + e? +1)!
by the method of three sei
13 a) Expiain price and income elasticities of demand &55
b) Find the equiiibrium price and quantity2 exchang the demand curve
d= 250? BF2 and supply curves: P2 +2P4.
14 a) Define a life table, complete life table, ?abridged life table.
b) Fit! the blanks in the following Iif _/ 5
Agex: ?x dx px w; ; eX mx
30 :762227 - -5;?% "-? 127296632 - -
31 :758580 55
5 ?
15 Define the term vital: ??a. Describe the methods of collection of vital
statistics. 2:5, =
16 Expiain Pigou; 3 method for time series data.
Write short mites on any three of the foiiowing:
18 MISSI plot techniques In LSD
19 Cost of living index number
20 080 and its functionalities
21 Death and birth rates
This post was last modified on 18 April 2020