Download OU (Osmania University) B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) 2016 April 1st Year 2052 Bio Technology Previous Question Paper
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B. Sc. l-Year Examination, March IApril 2016
Subject : Bio-Technology (General)
Paper - I\:_ Cell Biology and Genetics
Code No. 2052
Max. Marks : 100
Note: Answer ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks.
(a) Explain In detail about ultra structure and the chromosome organization of
(b) Give the detailed ultra structure of Eukaryotic ceil (Mitochondgj
apparatus Endopiasmic reticulum).
(a ) Explain the Law of independent assortment In dihybrid
plast, Golgi
(b) Define Linkage. Give detailed explaination of recombinatio? frequency and map
(a) Explain different mechanisms of DNA rep
(b) Write a note on:
(i) Griffith? 5 experiment of transformati6
(ii) Avery, Mc Eieod and Mc C '
(a) Explain the concept of test
(b) Define nucleotide sequ?
bioteChnology. A
?- Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) SIgnIfIcance ?"ef Mitosis and Meiosisr
? eminence and Co- dominance
(0) Watson nd Crick model of DNA -,
(d) Simpi
Iegression and correlation
(e) X-Linked inheritance in haemoghiiia
and protein databases and their utilization in
This post was last modified on 18 April 2020