Download JNTUK MBA 4th Sem 2018 April R16MBA406F2 International Financial Management Question Paper

Download JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada) MBA New folder R16MBA406F2 International Financial Management Question Paper.


Subjt Code: R16MBA406F2
MBA - IV Semester Regular Examinations, April-2018.
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B.
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory & Four Questions should be answered from Part-B
All questions carry equal marks of 12.
1 X 12 = 12
1) Rord the following transactions and prepare balance of payments statement?
a) A US firm exports $ 1000 worth of goods to be paid in 6 months.
b) A US resident visits London and spends $400 on hotel, meals and so on.
c) US Govt gives US bank , balance of $ 200 to Govt of a developing nation as
part of US aid programme.
d) A US resident purchases foreign stock for $800 and pays for it by increasing
foreign bank balances in the US.
e) A foreign investor purchases $600 worth US T bills and pays by drawing
down his bank balances in US by an equal amount.
4X 12 = 48
2) a) Explain briefly the functions of International monetary System?
b) Is floating rate system more inflationary than a fixed rate system. Explain?
3) a) what is international bond market? Enumerate the important features of
this market?
b) what role does IMF play in determining the value of exchange rate?
4) Name the participants in FOREX market? Explain the structure of FOREX
market in India? What is the rationale for the existence of international Fisher
5) a) Explain in detail the models of foreign investment?
b) How can a centralized cash management system be beneficial to MNC's?
6) a) compare three types of exposure- translation, transaction and onomic
b) Write short notes on forward market hedge, money market hedge?
7) Discuss the types of tax? Explain the tax implications of dividend remittance by
overseas affiliate?
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