Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Semester 2015 Winter Pharmaceutics 3 (Unit Operations) Question Paper
Faculty of Pharmacy
B.Pharm. Third Semester (C.B.S.) Examination
Paper?I (3T1)
Time : Three Hours] [Full Marks : 80
NB. :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any FOUR questions from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary.
(4) Use of electronic calculator is permitted.
1. Solve any FIVE : 5X4=20
(a) De?ne ?lter aid, giving examples. Give methods of
using ?lter aids.
(b) Give types of mixtures. Mention various mixers used
for liquid and semisolid mixing.
(c) Draw a well labelled diagram of a Bag ?lter.
((1) Give Fick?s law of dif?Jsion. Mention the factors
affecting mass transfer.
MVM?46558 1 (Contdl)
Give construction and working of ball mill. What is
the optimum speed of a ball mill ? Why ?
De?ne centrifugation. What do you understand by
centrifugal effect ?
Explain various factors affecting rate of ?ltration.
Give objectives and theories of size reduction. Draw
a well labelled diagram of a ?uid energy mill. 8
De?ne the term size separation giving signi?cance.
Mention various grades of powders and sieve number
as per. LP. 7
Explain various factors in?uencing mixing. Classify
mixers for solid mixing. 7
Give various mechanisms of ?ltration. Differentiate
between Surface ?ltration and Depth ?ltration. 8
Give applications of centrifugation. Discuss principle,
construction and working of supercentrifuge. 7
De?ne Turbulent and Laminar ?ow. Explain Fick?s
law of diffusion, mentioning factors affecting rate of
mass transfer. 8
Mention various conveyors used in pharmaceutical
Industry. Give construction principle and working of
a Pneumatic conveyor. 7
MVM?46558 2 (Contdl)
(b) Draw a well labelled diagram of an Alpine airjet
sieve. Give its principle, construction and working
along with advantages and disadvantages. 8
6. (a) Describe in detail Bemoulli?s theorem. Add a note
on ?owmeters. 7
(b) Draw a well labelled diagram of a perforated basket
centrifuge giving principle, construction and working.
7. Write short notes on (any three) : 5X3=15
(a) Planetary mixer
(b) Rotary drum ?lter
(c) Sieve Analysis
(d) Factors affecting size Reduction.
MVM?46558 3 1250
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020