Download RTMNU (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Semester 2016 Summer Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 (Electroanalytical and Physical Methods) Question Paper
B.Pharm. Semester?IV (C.B.S.) Examination
(Electro?Analytical and Physical Methods)
Paper?3 (4T3)
Time?Three Hours] [F ull Marks?80
N.B. :? (1) Question N0. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any F OUR questions from the
(3) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever
(4) Use of electronic calculator is
(5) Assume suitable data wherever
1. Solve any FIVE 0f the following :
(a) What are the advantages of conductometric titration
over normal titration method ?
(b) Draw neat and well labelled diagram of Abbe's
(c) What do you mean by dead stop titration ?
MXP?N?37 1 7 1 Contd.
((1) State applications of DSC.
6 How will ou determine the end 0th of zero order
y p
potentiometric titration curve ?
(1) De?ne speci?c conductance, equivalent conductance,
molecular conductance and cell constant.
(g) What is half wave potential ? Write signi?cance of
it. 20
What do you mean by thermal methods of analysis ?
Explain types, instrumentation, factors affecting and
applications of Thermogravimetry. 15
(a) Draw neat and well labelled diagram of Dropping
Mercury Electrode. Write pharmaceutical applications
of polarography. 8
(b) Explain various types of amperometric titrations with
suitable examples. 7
(a) Write in short about various factors affecting angle
of rotation. 7
(b) Explain instrumentation, working and phannaceutical
applications of polarimetry. 8
(a) What is reference and indicator electrode ? Explain
with suitable diagram any two reference electrode.
(b) Add note on Ion Selective Electrode. 7
MXP?N?3717 2 Contd.
(a) Write principle, instrumentation and pharmaceutical
applications of DTA. 7
(b) What is Coulometry ? What are its various types ?
Describe its principle and instrumentation. 8
Write short notes on any THREE of the following :
(a) Electrogravimetry
(b) Pulse polarography
(c) High frequency titration
(d) Conductometer
(6) Optical rotatory dispersion. 15
MXP?N?37 1 7 3 1250
This post was last modified on 19 January 2020